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Ria sighed as she heard the familiar beep of Emma's phone, indicating that she had started recording. She had been doing daily blogs for her channel since she got to camp and sometimes she included Ria and Jacob in them. (But mostly Ria because well, they were best friends.)

Jacob was trying to pick the lock with one of Emma's hair clips that she let him borrow, though it was taking a long time and though Ria told him many times that he wasent going to figure it out, he still insisted on trying.

"So here we are! the Great American wilds with nothing but out wits to guide us." Emma spoke as she held her phone up, Ria standing in the background with her arms crossed, watching over Jacob. 

"Will humanity prevail? Or will we grow ravenous and resort to eating the flesh of the deceased like I saw in that one plane crash movie."

"Alive?" Ria inquired, recalling the time she watched it with her a while back.

"You got that right." Emma smiled at her before turning back to her phone, flipping the camera so that it showed Jacob who was kneeling infront of the door. "Atleast someones helpful.." Emma trailed off as she pointed her camera at jacob who sighed.

"I'm trying, okay?" He said, frustrated.

"First course, fillet au Jacob. Rich and full bodied, This rare beef cake may leave an irritating taste lingering on the palate. An acquired  taste, some might say." She turned the phone off, watching as Jacob struggled with the hair clip.


Jacob stopped and looked back at her before looking back at the lock. "What?"

"It Looks like your trying to thread a needle with a packet of loose sausages."

"Oh my god. I'm almost done, okay?"

"You said that 10 minutes ago." Ria complained.

"Just-give me a minute. Jesus Christ." He looked back at Emma. "And for the record, your analogies are very hurtful.

Jacob huffed as he focused on the lock. "Im almost second."

Ria pretended to yawn, looking over at Emma who was watching him. Her eyes lingered on Emma more than usual, admiring her as the rays from the sunset gave her face an orange glow. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Emma stated without taking her eyes away from Jacob.

Ria blinked. "What?"

Emma just gave her a coy smile before jacob leapt up from the ground. "Ah Ha! There we go!"

Ria gulped, looking away from Emma as he turned towards the two. "Viola."

Emma chuckled, Ria smiling at his childish manner. "Your hair clip, madame.." he said, holding it out towards Emma.

"Ehh, you can keep it."

"Not too shabby, huh?" He asked, looking a Ria. 

"Ehhh." She replied, walking in with Emma.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, ᵀʰᵉ QᵘᵃʳʳʸWhere stories live. Discover now