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After the former camp counselors spent all night practically fighting for their lives, the sun rised. Ria had always enjoyed watching sunsets and all that—but she had never been more thankful for it then she had now. She was covered in sweat and grime, dirt under her manicured nails as she sighed contently. All she could think about was how much she wanted to go home. Especially now, with her girlfriend

The only significantly good about this night was that she had kissed the girl of her dreams. Even calling her 'girlfriend' felt revolutionary. Unreal. The first thing she did was open up that door to the security room, nearly knocking the girl over while Abigail watched them with raised eyebrows. 

Ria pulled in her closer, Breathing in her scent—Ria had never felt more comfort. Emma hugged the girl back with just as much passion, pulling her away to give her a peck on the lips. "God, that felt like forever."

"Since you've kissed me or the fact that it's morning?" Ria kissed her again, not giving her time to answer as she  snuggled herself against the girls chest. She pulled away when she noticed jacob a few feet away from them, walking out of the wilderness looking utterly lost. Had he just now found his way through?

Ria walked over to him. "Your not dead."

"I feel like i am."

Ria engulfed her brother in a hug, it not lasting as long as it did with emma. "I'm so sorry, Ria." Jacob mumbled against her neck. "I'm so, so sorry. This is all my fault—"

"Shhh." Ria hushed him. "Survivors guilt is a thing. But nothings your fault, ok?" Jacob nodded even though he knew it wasent true. All he wanted was to be comforted. "I'm glad your alive. You scared me, you know? I barely saw you all night and for a second.."

Ria sighed, pulling away from him as she kept her arms on his shoulders. "Dosent matter. We're good now...And we have a lot to talk about and your definitely going to be mad at me later."

"Why would I be mad at you?" Jacob furrowed his eyebrows. "I can't be mad at you now, I'm too busy being grateful your here."

Ria sighed deeply. "So, basically, in the midst of all the murder and werewolves and drama and the hunters—"

Alina wrapped her arms around herself as she finally had view of the lodge.  She was befuddled—she remembered Abigail giving her a cup of tea after she had gotten bitten by that..bear, but the rest was a haze. Before she knew it, she had woken up in an open cage, half naked. She made her way through the strange house, stopping in a room where she found clothes that fit her well enough.

She had walked back to the lodge with one question on her mind; Where was Abigail?

Alina hoped that she and the other counselors were safe. Is it because of the harsh words she had said to Abigail before she blacked out? Had Alina frightened her? She swore she never intended to say such things to her. They simply slipped out as if it was natural. There was a lot that needed to be filled in for her.

Alina began to grow nervous as she finally reached the lodge, being greeted with the sight of Ria happily hugging her brother before her eyes landed on Abigail who had been anxiously sticking by emma's side infront of the lodge. Her face was covered in splotches of blood along with her clothes.

Alina could barely contain the sob that came from her throat. "Abigail."

Her voice  was so quiet. So unnoticeable, but Abigail heard her anyway. She thought her mind was playing tricks on her at first. After all, it was expected since all she heard in the woods were whispers of her name and twigs snapping in bushes.

That was until, their eyes met. Alina couldn't focus on anything but Abigail. It felt like so long since she had seen her face, her brown eyes and her brown hair that faded to pink. Her faint freckles that lay across her nose and cheek. Alina walked towards her, feeling as if she wasn't moving at all when Abigail began to approach her too.

Before she knew it, Abigail was in her arms. A small sniffle was heard from the shorter girl. "I thought I killed you. I really did think I did. I thought I'd never see you again. I thought I—"

Alina cut her off as she squeezed her tighter. "You didn't. You did the right thing. I'm okay."

With a resolute expression, Abigail drew away. "I'm sorry I didn't say it before."

"Say what?" Alina asked, confused. She didn't remember what happened in the lodge. Her words were harsh—but there was small meaning behind it. Abigail knew that some of the things she said was true. Alina loved her, and was waiting for her response. The right time to do so.

"I love you."

Alina was taken back. "I-You do? Abigail, this is a little sudden. I-I don't think you've ever said that before. That's a big step. You don't—"

"I mean it. I love you, and I know you love me too. I was worried about you all night and it made me start thinking about how much I appreciate you and—and—" 

"I love you too." Alina responded, kissing the girls cheek. "Please, just calm down. It's over now. I can't imagine what you've been through I mean.."

Anthony watched the couple delightfully as he leaned on the back of the van. Seeing Everyone meet up again was the best feeling ever. Now all he was missing was..

"You should've listen to Me. My killer intuition was right." Nick spoke in his thick Australian accent, walking up next to him. Anthony was caught off guard, glancing at the boy with wide eyes as he continued. "Now your probably gonna need a full on wheelchair. Guess that's better than crutches anyway though, huh?"

Anthony looked down at his cast that was covered in grim and mud. "Yeah. Less of a pain to get around..I doubt I need a wheelchair though. That's a bit much."

"But that'd be so much cooler," Nick said. "I'd buy one for you if I could."

Anthony smiled gently at that. "No need, I think they're really expensive." 

"I'll never forgive you for running away from me, you know." He joked, but Anthony knew part of it was serious. He could've got hurt—and he did, partially. 

Anthony looked down at his cast, Nicks name in that red marker still barely visible. "I know."

"I don't think I've officially asked you to be my boyfriend yet."

Nick looked puzzled before he nodded. "No. No, we haven't crossed that bridge yet. Too busy with the werewolves."

Anthony snickered."Smartass. Will you be my boyfriend?"

" 'fraid Not."


"I'm just messing." Nick grinned playfully. "My answers yes, ant. You should've seen your face, you were so devastated. I mean I would be too if Nick Furcillo rejected me."

Anthony rolled his eyes at that while Nick chuckled, wrapping an arm around the boys shoulders and rubbing them appreciatively. "So, um. Where do we go now?"

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