Tao: Elle could you come help me with the landscape? There's something we need to talk about.
Elle: You okay? You seem.. off
Tao: No I'm not. Please come here.
Elle: 2 minutes
Tao: I feel so stupid, can we do this by text?
Elle: Tao just spit it out you ridiculous boy!
Tao: FINE! Look, you're my best friend in the whole world, but earlier today when we sat on the table and just looked into each other's eyes. I dunno. Something changed like a switch in my head. I'm sorry this is so stupid.
Elle: Speak, now.
Tao: Fml, I dunno okay!? We were just both there and you just looked so beautiful and I wanted to just hold you and move the piece of stray hair from your brow but at the same time WHY AM I THINKING THIS.
Elle: Okay. 1. You have zero game. 2. Is that how you feel now?
Tao: I guess?
Elle: TAO
Tao: FINE, yes I still feel that.
Elle: Oh you completely ridiculous heterosexual. Come here.
Tao: Oh wow, that was.. unexpected.
Elle: 0 game.
Tao: STOPPPP. I'm trying my best.
Elle: I know, that's what makes it so funny 😂😂 and what makes you so cute 🧡
Tao: Oh I'm cute now am I?
Elle: I wouldn't spend half an hour making out with a boy ON A SCHOOL TABLE with a not-cute boy would I?
Tao: 😳 that was half an hour???
Elle: You're too pure I swear.
Tao: What should we tell everyone?
Elle: Nothing yet, I cannot handle "I told you so" from Tara and Darcy today.
Tao: What do you mean?
Elle: Urgh, they've been bugging me to tell you how I feel for agess.
Tao: You've been feeling like this for "ages"?! EXCUSEMEWHAT
Elle: I was scared of endangering our friendship 😭 Besides, isn't the guy supposed to make the first move?
Elle: Yeah, basically.
Tao: You're lucky I like you so much, and lucky that I like liking you ;>
Elle: Same, you're so cringe 🧡
Tao: No you 😌🧡
Elle: Nah, Tao Xu king of cringe 😏🧡

Heartstopper: A text chain
FanfictionA text chain for Charlie, Nick and the rest of the gang. These short text exchanges should give you a hit of wholesome Heartstopper goodness.