The Visit PT 2

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(Charlie's POV) 

This rat bastard, this spec of humanity, this is what Nick was willing to throw away YEARS of our relationship for? "YOU!" I say, "Umm, me?" he replies, "What game are you playing Ben? Trying to take my boyfriend away hmm?" He laughs "Nick? Oh dear god you're not serious" he shrugs and adds "No, I'm not trying to 'get' with your boyfriend Charlie" I walk towards him and push him up against the wall, "I saw you two, you were holding hands and hugging and stuff" he gives me a quizzical look "If you don't trust YOUR boyfriend, that's not my problem Charlie, I've told you it's not what you think I don't know what else you're expecting me to say" and to be honest I guess he's right, I'm not angry with him. Fuck this, I'm going home.

(Nick's POV) 

I sip my tea "Imogen that's perfect", she smiles "Nick!" I turn to see Ben jogging from the main building "Charlie- saw us- in there- toilet- GO!" he said breathlessly, oh shit this cannot be happening, if Charlie saw me comforting Ben then... FUCK! I get in the toilet but it's empty but then I suddenly realise, there's something on the side of the sink, Charlie's heart necklace I gave him, okay a minute ago I was worried, now? Now I'm just angry, this necklace wasn't a piece of jewellery, it was a promise I'd made, a commitment we BOTH made to talk to each other and make this work.



Char: The fuck do you want?

NN: I'd like to know what you think you're doing? This your not so subtle way of breaking up with me?

Char: What are you talking about? Me breaking up with you? Are you mad? YOU'RE THE ONE FLIRTING WITH THE GUY WHO ASSAULTED ME OUT IN PUBLIC.


Char: Fuck off Nick

<This person can no longer receive messages from you>  


*Charlie Bear left the groupchat*

Literal Jock 🏈: If one of you could tell Charlie I'll be waiting in my room for an apology I'd be grateful.

Our Queen 👑: What's happened?

Literal Jock 🏈: I'm not putting it all out here 

Curtain hair 💆: Ah of course yes, we respect your boundaries.


(The Council of Charlie)

Tao: Spill

Nick: Very well, Charlie saw me being nice to Ben Hope and apparently thought I was cheating? I don't know it's so fucked, then he pinned Ben against a wall, shouted at him and left my special necklace I had made for him behind, like, how could he do this? If he wants to run off in a huff that's fine, but the necklace? That was supposed to be a piece of me he could always keep for himself..

Elle: Ngl I can't believe he took the necklace off. 

Tao: That's impossible, Charlie literally hasn't stopped messing with it for the last two weeks, it's a comfort thing for him now, he'd never get rid of it.

Nick: It's in my fucking hand Tao what do you want me to say?

Tao: Let me check if he knows because there's no way he meant to. 


Tao: Charlie?

Charles: Tao I cannot explain how much I need you to fuck off right now

Tao: About that, why did you leave your necklace?

Charles: Oh fuck

Charles: Does he have it?

Tao: Yeah he has it, and he's pissed, he thinks you've ended it

Charles: Oh FUCK


(Charlie's POV)

I can't believe I left it behind! Nick's gonna kill me. I need to speak to him. I make the call

Nick: What the fuck Charlie? How could you!

Charlie: LISTEN! I didn't mean to! Seeing Ben freaked me out, so I splashed some water on my face and I needed to take the necklace off! Then I felt like I had to leave.

Nick: Oh, where are you now? 

Charlie: At the train station

Nick: Can I come and get you? 

Charlie: I'm so sorry Nick I was being stupid

Nick: Heyyyyy don't start that, I'll be there soon.

The car ride back was silent, it simply consisted of Nick pulling up to the station, me getting in and him handing me the necklace with the waring "Don't you dare EVER take that off again" with a tear in his eye, I didn't reply, just nodding in agreement. He was still very angry but it seemed to have settled back into the upset phase now, I've messed this up and I need to put it right.


(Nick's POV) 

We enter my room and I just fall onto my bed, I don't know what to say, or what to do, Charlie reaches into his bag and said, "Many years ago Nicholas, I asked you when you knew I was the one for you, you said it was the first night you came round my House, when you put your arms around me, you said you knew that you didn't want anything happen to me, now we've been through a lot since then, and I can honestly say the worst feeling in the world is knowing I've hurt you, so here I am in the same stupid blanket with the same stupid pom-poms asking you to forgive me" I look at him, and he is indeed wearing that same cuddly blanket "Oh come here you blithering idiot" I say picking him and carrying him onto the bed.


Literal Jock 🏈: Peace has been restored 

*Literal Jock added Charlie Bear to the groupchat*

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Cause for celebration indeed

Curtain hair 💆: Yayyyyyyy

Our Queen 👑: Whoop whoop 

Darcy: Gay supremacy >:0

Tara: Praise be.

Charlie bear: I was being silly :(

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Nothing new there

Literal Jock 🏈: Leave him alone Aled..

Our Queen 👑: Now now boys... By Royal decree everyone will be nice to everyone.

Curtain hair 💆: Does that mean I have to be nice to Nick? I don't think I can do that...

Literal Jock 🏈: I love you too dickhead.

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