Trouble in Taoelle heaven

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Our Queen 👑: Guys, you are not going to believe this..

Curtain hair 💆: Elle NOOOO plsss

Our Queen 👑: Hey if you mess up this badly I have no option but to publically shame you..

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Tao's public humiliation? I'm here for this.

Darcy Olson: Shame him! Shame him! Shame him!

Curtain hair 💆: You guys are evil

Darcy Olson: Yep.

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Only just catching onto that?

Curtain hair 💆: Piss off Aleddd

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Literally never bestie🖤

Our Queen 👑: So, today is the anniversary of the first day me and Tao met..


Our Queen 👑: Yeah.. don't speak too soon Darcy..

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Oh god, @Tao what did you do 😬

Our Queen 👑: What he did was send me the following message 'Hey Elle, hope you're ready for a super special night' so naturally I thought we were going out... Or have a romantic night... And I get there dressed for romance, like I spent 2 hours getting ready I mean look

 And I get there dressed for romance, like I spent 2 hours getting ready I mean look

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Our Queen 👑: So I arrive and he's stood there in SHORTS AND A BAGGY JUMPER holding the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' Blu-ray boxset.

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: SURELY NOT

Curtain hair 💆: She's implemented a 'look-but-dont-touch' rule and I'm dead inside 😭 She looks so beautiful and I'm just sat here with Johnny Depp for company💔

Darcy Olson: I couldn't abide by that rule, there would be violence 💀


Darcy Olson: My girlfriend is stunnin sometimes y'know

Darcy Olson: My girlfriend is stunnin sometimes y'know

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Tara Jones: DARCY, RIGHT.

Darcy Olson: Babe? Oh god this is gonna be bad I just know.

Tara Jones: 0 Physical affection for a week

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: You humans and your need for physical gratification honestlyyyy 🧐


Tara Jones: On another note, where is the top gay couple @Nick @Charlie whatcha doing??? (Other than each-other/s homework) ;>

Curtain hair 💆: That is disgusting, and so is hijacking the topic of conversation from my plight of not being able to appreciate my beautiful Girlfriend as I should 🥺💓

Our Queen 👑: Emotional manipulation is uncool Tao... But nevertheless effective... FINE, GET UP HERE AND CUDDLE 😌

Literal Jock 🏈: Oh hey guys, sorry I was at Rugby practice, glad things have been sorted ofc nothing beats romance 😮‍💨💙

Charlie bear: Yeah, romance. Sorry I didn't reply earlier I was at Rugby practice. I was worried about him.

Literal Jock 🏈: You were at practice??? Are you still here?

Charlie bear: No I left when you guys went in to get changed.

Literal Jock 🏈: Charlie, DMs NOW

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: *Oooo drama whisper noises*

Charlie bear: Shut. Up.

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: You love me really don't bother denying it.

Charlie bear: -_-

Literal Jock 🏈: Charles!

Curtain hair 💆: Oh shit 🫣

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