(Nick and Ben's texts)
Ben: Hi
Nick: Yes?
Ben: Everything alright?
Nick: It was.
Ben: I was wondering, when did you start playing rugby?
Nick: Uh, why were you wondering what age I started playing sports?
Ben: It's a hypothesis I'm trying to test, just answer the question
Nick: If I answer will you leave me alone
Ben: You're prolonging this social interaction with these questions you do realise that?
Nick: I started playing Rugby when I was seven
Ben: Explains a lot, okay did your mum always cheer you on?
Nick: I guess so, why?
Ben: It's just, when I watched earlier I cheered in the first half and your performance was way better than the second half
Nick: Hang on, you said you were going because you wanted to 'show support'?
Ben: I did?
Nick: But you only did it to test some theory?
Ben: Sure, plus I am gay, the rugby players are aesthetically pleasing to look at?
Nick: I'm rapidly realising why you don't have friends.
Ben: Bit rude Nelson?
Nick: Do you like, try to make friends?
Ben: Obviously, I always fuck it up though
Nick: What do you mean?
Ben: It doesn't matter. I'll let you get back to texting Charlie.
Nick: k
Nick: Ben?
Ben: Yeah?
Nick: Are you okay?
Ben: I'm fine.
Nick: I don't believe you
Ben: Why do you care?
Nick: I don't know to be honest, but Charlie told me what you said about your parents years ago, and... like I never forgave you for any of what you did to him, but I accept it's not as simple as you being a bad person I guess.
Ben: Ah, I'd forgotten I told Charlie about mum and dad, truth be told I didn't ever want to go to Durham Uni, my parents forced me to apply there, I declined the offer and got in here through clearing, only just got a place.
Nick: Why did they force you to apply there?
Ben: Because they were moving to Durham.
Nick: So you declined the offer to get away?
Ben: Yeah, I knew it was time to stop hiding. When I got all my stuff in my car and I was leaving I realised there would never be a better time to tell them, so I did, it was.. not pleasant, but I expected worse.
Nick: What happened?
Ben: I'd rather not talk about it, still too fresh tbh. I think about it every day you know, what I did to Charlie, even after he forgave me all that solitaire bullshit happened, that's when I started therapy.
Nick: You had therapy?
Ben: Have therapy Nick, it's not something that magically fixes you, not for me anyway. I'm sorry I shouldn't be putting all this on you I know it's weird.
Nick: It's not weird, Charlie still goes to his therapy I shouldn't have assumed.
Ben: Charlie does therapy? I didn't know that.
Nick: Oh, uh could you maybe pretend I didn't say that? Shit I'm late for our phone call I g2g
Ben: Bye Nelson
(Nick and Charlie's morning phone call)
Charlie: You're late Mr
Nick: I know I know sorry
Charlie: Grr, you're lucky you're cute you know
Nick: Oh be quiet you
Charlie: Make me
Nick: Hmph, I miss you *Blows kiss*
Charlie: Nick don't start I will literally cry
Nick: When can you come up here? I need my baby :'(
Charlie: Nick I swear to god if you carry on I'll get on a train rn
Nick: Fineeee, seriously, I gonna be getting the rugby uniform soon and it comes with a team hoodie sooooooo
Charlie: Uhhhhhh next weekend? I get paid on the Friday so.
Nick: You realise the hoodie will stay here right?
Charlie: Sure it will! Nick, don't you have class soon?
Nick: Shit! Alright gotta go, love you!
Charlie: Love you more!
Nick: No you don't!
A/N: Writing as Ben Hope is so difficult, especially when you're trying not to make him just the villain, if you're expecting to just have him be a typical baddie it's really not gonna be that simple. Does he have an agenda? Is he a liar? Did Nick go too far talking about Charlie's therapy? share your thoughts! Sorry I've just really enjoyed interacting with you ppl :) - J

Heartstopper: A text chain
FanfictionA text chain for Charlie, Nick and the rest of the gang. These short text exchanges should give you a hit of wholesome Heartstopper goodness.