Tara: Update NOW!Darcy: Oh when I suggest I ask for an update it's 'being much' but when you do it.. urgh can you guys believe this woman?
Mr Silence 🕵️♂️: Oh be quiet you two love each other really.
Tara: True 💛
Mr Silence 🕵️♂️: Where's the update though?
Mr Ajayi stood up, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Best Man and Maid of Honour" Elle and Tao walked arms interlocked with his partner down the aisle and they took their respective positions.
(Charlie's POV)
Fuck, okay Elle was gone, and I was freaking the FUCK out, I was stood in my boxers just staring at the suit I'd picked out, pink jacket, pink shirt and pink trousers with a white tie, it was beautiful, but I couldn't bring myself to put the bloody thing on; I was supposed to be walking down the aisle with Nick in ten minutes but I was just thinking about how skinny I am, all the scars, how I don't deserve Nick and how one day he'll realise it and I'll be left alone and now I'm crying ohmygod it's my wedding day and I'm crying and ohhhh. "Charlie?" I looked at the door to see my stunning fiancée stood there in the exceptional white suit he'd picked out with the pink tie in the centre "N- Nick?" I said in a pathetically weak voice, sitting down and holding my arms out, knowing that he would immediately take me in his arms "Heyyyyy, what's wrong Char? No tears on the wedding day what's going on?" He squeezed me hard and gently ran his hand up and down my eyes "Talk to me, c'mon" I took deep breaths and explained "I just, the suit, I look disgusting and you look amazing and I just don't want you to regret this I'm s-" "NO, no Char, do not even try to apologise on our wedding day, understood?" I nodded in acceptance "Good, now stand up" I did, bizarrely, Nick proceeded to dress me in my suit, I wouldn't normally like this but I felt like he was putting armor on me, it was.. empowering, and as he did my tie up he stood back to admire his handiwork "How do I look?" I asked tentatively, "Absolutely perfect" He said smiling at me.
Then he stepped closer and cupped my face in his hands, I closed my eyes and held his waist, then I felt a slight kiss on my forehead, "Charles Francis Spring, you are my life, you are everything, now, are you ready to marry me?" I immediately responded "Yes, yes please" and we both laughed. Nick held out his arm and we walked from the room to the corridor leading to the beginning of the aisle. Nick took a step forward but I pulled him back turning to face him "What's wrong?" I put my hands around his neck "It's just, when we come out of there we're going to be in a whole new section of our lives, and you, you've been the best boyfriend I could have ever hoped for, and... I want you to know, I will be the best husband I can be fo-" "No Char, you are going to be" he kissed me on the cheek "the" another kiss on the other cheek "best" a kiss on the forehead "husband" and a final kiss on the lips "EVER! now let's do it!" I smiled at him "Let's do it" and we walked around the corner.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the grooms" and the group stood, me and Nick had decided to have very few people in attendance, notably David was NOT here, notably Michael had managed to make it after threats of murder from Tori. We slowly walked our way down the two lines of attendees, I thought I saw a tear fall from Aled's eye, then Tori and even my mother, in contrast looking at Sarah I saw her balling her eyes out, we seperated to a pace distance when we reached the lectern with Mr Ajayi stood behind it. "Ladies and gentlemen, be seated" and everyone sat. Mr Ajayi began his speech "Marriage was once an institution to bind one person to another, now? It is an instrument through which people demonstrate the highest level of love and commitment to one another. Today we have the pleasure of witnessing such a union, between Charles and Nicholas, two men who have loved each other for many years, I know this because I myself was privileged enough to watch their love develop from the beginning, just like all of you, Nick and Charlie have written their own vows, which they will now deliver to each other, Nick, please"

Heartstopper: A text chain
FanfictionA text chain for Charlie, Nick and the rest of the gang. These short text exchanges should give you a hit of wholesome Heartstopper goodness.