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Charlie bear: Cmon Nickkkk 

Literal Jock 🏈: But math is hardddddd

Darcy Olson: I thought Charlie was the resident math nerd? 

Curtain hair 💆: Oh please there's 0 chance of either of these two doing work while the other is near, for one thing Charlie can't speak due to his tongue being firmly lodged down Nick's throat.


Literal Jock 🏈: I mean, he's right. And I wouldn't have it any other way ;>

Charlie bear: Nick Nelson what have you turned me into...

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: I believe I can answer that?

Charlie bear: Not a damn word out of you...

Mr Silence: He. He. He.

Tara Jones: Quietly laughing Aled sounds quite scary ngl XD

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Now you're getting the idea. 

Our Queen 👑: I feel your pain nick I don't think my brain can physically handle the intake of any more information. And before Tao says a word he's been bugging me to abandon studying for 'cuddle time' for an hour now.

Curtain hair 💆: ELLE stop outing my cringe 

Literal Jock 🏈: I want cuddles :( 

Charlie bear: Me too.

Literal Jock 🏈: Let me come round then!

Charlie bear: Can't, I'm not feeling well. 

Literal Jock 🏈: What's up???

Charlie bear: My arm's killing.

Literal Jock 🏈: LET ME COME LOVE YOU 

Charlie bear: :,( I've got a horrid cold as well. 

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: I confess I think your simpy behavior is beginning to rub off onto me, if Dan wasn't being such a grade A wanker I may consider inviting him round for some affection.

Curtain hair 💆: Jesus Christ Aled that's the most romantic thing you've ever said :o

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: I agree, I hate myself for saying it. 

Our Queen 👑: Well if it means anything I approve.

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Your opinion certainly means more than your partner.

Tara Jones: Oooo 'partner' we are being modern.

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Eh, I think it just avoids uncomfortable situations in terms of gender identity. 

Darcy Olson: Well never let it be said I pass on a good opportunity.

Curtain hair💆: The fuck does that mean /:>

Tara Jones: Babe you don't have to  

Darcy Olson: Nah it's fine, these lot have proven themselves to be good guys.

Darcy Olson: Heyyyy guys so I'm non-binary, you can still call me Tara's 'Girlfriend' for the sake of simplicity but pronouns are They/Them. That's me :> <3

Tara Jones: Awh babe I'm so proud of you <3 


Literal Jock 🏈: I feel like 'congratulations' is a basic white  boi response, then again I kinda am the basic white boi of the group, CONGRATULATIONS DARCYY

Charlie bear: Excuse me boyfriend's cringe response. Thank you for trusting us with this <3

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: See, Darcy leading us to a brighter tomorrow ;)

Curtain hair 💆: Nice one Darcy <3

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