Nick: *Bangs two frying pans together*Ben: Holy shit wh- Nick Nelson? No way, please tell me we didn't...
Nick: NO! Now would you PLEASE get out of my room.
Ben: I'd like to know the circumstances under which I came to be in your room because I'm pretty sure I didn't agree to be here?
Nick: Are you really suggesting that I would have kidnapped you?
Ben: Answer the question Nick.
Nick: You got wasted and I was the only one who would help you seemingly.
Ben: Oh, I see. Yes well I guess I should be going.
*Nick calls Charlie on facetime*
Charlie: Morning
Nick: Oh come on don't be like that
Charlie: What exactly am I 'being like' Nick?
Nick: Would you rather me leave him on the floor at some random place?
Charlie: Honestly I don't care where he is, anyway let's just move on, I don't wanna have to think about Ben Hope every time we talk.
Nick: Well at least we agree on that.
Charlie: Exactly, so did you get to actually meet anyone new before being saddled with him?
Nick: Yeah I met the society's President some Irish fella named Ryan I think.
Charlie: An Irishman? You know what they say about the Irish...
Nick: There's a saying about the Iris-
Ben: Oi Nelson? Did I leave my jacket in there?
Charlie: Nick...
Nick: Charlie.. it's not what it sounds like...
*Line goes dead*
Charles: TAO
Tao: Charles?
Tao: Sorry what?
Charles: We were on facetime and Ben was banging at the door asking for his jacket 😭😭😭😭
Tao: Surely you don't think...
Charles: I don't know what to think! We were talking and he didn't mention Ben so he obviously wanted to keep it from me..
Tao: But, BEN HOPE?! Charlie think of this logically, IF Nick was going to do something with another guy I don't think it would be on his first day and definitely not with Ben bastard Hope.
Charles: I hope so, yeah, that makes sense, I gotta go Tao.
The council of Charlie
Tao: @Nick What happened you buffoon...
Nick: He told you? That's good, at least he's not isolating himself.
Elle: What's happening? TLDR version pls
Nick: Ben Hope got plastered at a party and I let him stay on my sofa.
Elle: I'm guessing Charlie didn't take that well....
Nick: Exactly I dunno what to do.
Tao: I advise giving space and letting him cool off, he seemed to be relaxing about it when we spoke.
Nick: Thank you so much.
Nick: Hello?
Ben: Nick Nelson, hello there.
Nick: Why did you leave your number?
Ben: Because let's be honest when classes start we may need to trade notes or ask questions at least we have 1 person each we can ask.
Nick: Can I ask you something?
Ben: I've never understood the point in asking that question... Yes Nick, what?
Nick: Are you okay? You said yesterday that you haven't had 'real friends' in years.
Ben: Uh, did I?
Nick: I think you know you did...
Ben: Nick in the nicest possible way, please don't. I appreciate the sofa but just leave it we're not friends.
Nick: True.

Heartstopper: A text chain
FanfictionA text chain for Charlie, Nick and the rest of the gang. These short text exchanges should give you a hit of wholesome Heartstopper goodness.