Sneaking away for the day

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Literal Jock 🏈: I can't believe that's it, GCSEs are done

Our Queen 👑: Tell me about it.

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Awh look at these two old people freaking out, adorable.

Charlie bear: No more Nick in form time until September HAHAHAHAHa I'm totally not crying.

Literal Jock 🏈: Cuddles? 

Charlie bear: Don't have to ask me twice.

Literal Jock 🏈: Charlie it's the middle of the school day for you no

Curtain hair 💆: Screw this I'm skipping too.

Tara Jones: OMG group-sneak-out-meet-up?

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Have fun everyone there's no way, my mom would kill me.

Literal Jock 🏈: Lets go to the arcade and finally break the 1-1 bowling draw @elle!

Our Queen 👑: Oh you're on Nelson!

Charlie bear: Hey! One of us might win?! You forget I'm all sporty now too!

Tara Jones: You guys don't have any idea what you're in for, Darcy has 5 medals on their shelf for bowling. 

Literal Jock 🏈: Oh wow I'm SOOOO scared 😂. 


3 hours later

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: So, who won?

Darcy Olson: Who do you think 😏? 

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: NO WAY

Literal Jock 🏈: My ego is severely bruised 

Charlie bear: I got three strikes though!

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Nice nice, @Tao you're being awfully quiet

Curtain hair 💆: I don't wanna talk about it! 

Tara Jones: I did warn you all.

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: What are you guys doing now? 

Literal Jock 🏈: We're just chilling in the arcade but we're gonna head to the diner soon.

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Dan's had kinda a bad day, would you mind if we came by?


Literal Jock 🏈: I think you can consider that a resounding yes xD

Curtain hair 💆: Maybe I'll get to speak to him before you two sneak off this time...

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Thin ice Tao...

Curtain hair 💆: You lot bully me it's not fair. 

Our Queen 👑: Stop being mean to my man you lot. 

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Tao did you type that on Elle's phone? 

Our Queen 👑: TAO! I feel physically sick reading that, I can only apologise smh.


2 hours later 

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: You guys really cheered Dan up, thank you all. 

Literal Jock 🏈: Umm

Charlie bear: Aled, you cannot be serious...

Curtain hair 💆: *Shows extreme restraint*

Tara Jones: He's joking right..?

Our Queen 👑: Say it Tao, we're all thinking it 

Curtain hair 💆: Right, Aled do you not think the fact Daniel is a bit happier has anything to do with the fact you two were ALL OVER EACH OTHER THE WHOLE TIME YOU WERE AT THE ARCADE?!?!?!?!

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: What?!

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: We were being low-key though?!

Literal Jock 🏈: Umm, okay the holding hands at the table was KINDA low-key considering you were surrounded by couples but uhh YOU LITERALLY LOCKED YOURSELVES IN THE PHOTOBOOTH FOR A SOLID 20 MINUTES MAKING OUT.... 

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: Was it that obvious... Oh dear god.

Charlie bear: What? You... seemed rather happy

Darcy Olson: Aled be like

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: No more couple date days

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Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: No more couple date days. Nope.

Curtain hair 💆: Thou doth protestith too much.


Curtain hair 💆: Oh I'm sorry Mr 'You Humans and your need for constant physical gratification I'll never understand' 

Literal Jock 🏈: I'm done


Our Queen 👑: Never thought I'd see the day ngl

Mr Silence 🕵️‍♂️: I am mortified.

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