Chapter 1: King Piccolo/Piccolo Jr. Saga

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On the eve of their Planet's destruction Burdock and his wife, Gine are secretly sending their son Goku to a planet far away from their home and away from Freeza's reign, Burdock places down the space pod and puts in the pod's coordinates while Gine is crying and saying goodbye to their son but Burdock couldn't stand the thought of their son being alone.

As Gine was about to put Goku inside the pod Burdock pushed her in the pod as well and started up the pod "Burdock...What are you doing?." she says screaming through the pod and pounding it to get out, "Sending you away too, I wouldn't want our son to be alone and I want you both to life." he says just as the pod starts rising, Burdock and Gine said their goodbyes just as the pod left the planet and through space as both Gine and Goku went into hibernation sleep as the pod takes them to their new home planet and away from Planet Vegeta.

Within hours of their trip, another space pod appears and travels along with Gine's pod the second pod thinks it's heading to Planet Vegeta as the pilot is also sleeping within the pod, upon arriving on Earth the space pods crash lands near a gentle old man called Gohan as he spots the pods seen them crashing then he investigates the crash site.

Gohan went down the crater and found one of the pods open just as he got closer Gine popped her head out with Goku in her arms and looked a little frightened but Gohan reassured her that he means them no harm and offers a place to stay and food, Gine looking sad and confused accepts Gohan's offer but before they leave Gohan and Gine checked on the other pod as they take a look inside and noticed a toddler girl inside as Gine asks Gohan to hold Goku for a bit as she opens up the pod only to be shocked and happy to see Hagisu her second child to Burdock as she sent to a different planet to take over and head back but her pod found Gine's thinking it was heading to Planet Vegeta.

Gine quickly gets her daughter out of the pod and follows Gohan to his home just twenty minutes from the pods Gine and Gohan plan to come back for the pods and hide them away, over the years Gohan became an adoptive grandfather to the kids as they love being with him and being trained by Earth's way of martial arts and learning through Gohan about the culture of Earth.

One day a late teen Bulma is on her quest to look for the Dragon Balls and while on her journey she meets Hagisu and Goku coming back from a fishing trip Gine has thoughts of her son's name as she wishes to change it to be more Earthly than his Saiyan name, Bulma gives them a lift back to Grandpa Gohan's home as she also gets to meets Gine and Gohan as they were waiting for them to return to see if they remember the way back.

Upon meeting everyone Bulma's radar starts beeping as she takes out the radar and explains what it does and what her quest is while also telling them her wish without thinking as she's a bit shy to tell anyone her wishes, Goku and Hagisu wishes to join Bulma on her quest as it sounds fun for them and it would let them see more of Earth which Gohan agrees to and asks Bulma to tell him and Gine of their quest and to know if the legends are true of the Dragon Balls.

(The rest of the Original Series takes place as this story will now time skip to King Piccolo's Arc in Age 753.)

Many years after meeting new friends and Allies Goku and Hagisu took part in the latest tournament with Goku becoming second while Hagisu becoming fourth in the tournament, afterwords Goku finds Krillin dead Goku is about to be ambushed by Piccolo's children but he is saved by Yamcha, Tien and his sister Hagisu beaten a few of them while the others flew away after getting the dragon ball from Krillin.

Upon returning King Piccolo finally got the last Dragon Ball to wish for his youth to be restored as many years of imprisonment were taken away from him by his good half Kami, without warning after getting his wish Goku arrived on Piccolo's airship and was ready to avenge his best friend but Goku has to beat the rest of Piccolo's children but they all easily overpowered him but doesn't give up without a fight.

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