Chapter 6: Majin Buu Saga

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Seven years have passed since the defeat of Cell and Bojack (Age 774) everyone's lives have changed since then, Krillin marries Zangya while Hagisu & 18 have also been married as they enjoy a life of entering tournaments and winning prize money.

Everything at this point is like the original until the tournament where everyone has gathered and waiting for Goku as he is going back for a day and wants to see how everyone's doing and how strong they have gotten, like the original everyone was about to split up to look for him but Goku shows up with Baba as she explains to everyone that Goku is only for twenty-four which is enough for Goku to have fun while in the tournament.

Goku is happy to see his family and friends as well as see Goten for the second time as the two easily bonded together, Goku couldn't help but notice that Hagisu is holding a baby and standing next to 18 as he goes over to them and asks how their life has been.

The married couple happily introduces their daughter Riki but Goku is confused about how they have a half-Saiyan baby that's when Bulma comes in and explains to Goku that she used their blood and simply mixed it then made a clone of the two, she then goes on to say that she is Riku's godmother which Goku only responds with his iconic chuckle and smile as he's happy to be Riku's uncle.

Like the original everything stayed the same until the fight against Goku and Vegeta but in this what-if universe it's Goku against his sister Hagisu who was still feeling guilty for letting her brother die at the hands of Cell, Babidi easily took control over Hagisu mind making her his slave to get more energy for Majin Buu but Goku jumps in and starts fighting his sister to knock back in some senses to her head.

Hagisu's new power-up has made her stronger but she doesn't notice that Goku has been holding back his power as he doesn't want to hurt her but that's hard to do when she's gone crazy and also drunk with power, Goku finally got the sense into her once Majin Buu has awakened but before they go to stop Buu Hagisu knocks out her brother after she realized what she has done being under Babidi's control.

She says goodbye to her brother as she darts off to Majin Buu where she finds Trunks and Goten there as they are about to fight him but Hagisu stops them, Piccolo shows up and is in his stance to get ready for another fight round but he heard crying from Goten asking Hagisu why she knocked out Trunks as she did the same to Goten Piccolo gets what she's going to do and a way for asking forgiveness of her sins.

Piccolo takes both boys and flies off with them then he spots Goku on the ground as he stops to pick him up Krillin shows up and Piccolo gives him the boys to carry while he takes Goku, Hagisu has a bucket full of tears down her face knowing she has hurt her brother deeply while she says her goodbyes in her mind turning into Super Saiyan 2 as she powers up to her fullest getting ready to blow up Buu for good.

Hagisu exploded along with Majin Buu but as the explosion finished Raditz showed up too late to help only to see his sister turned into stone which left Raditz heartbroken, as he was frozen still he couldn't do anything but see the stone body of Hagisu fall to the ground then shattered into pieces leaving behind a world that she loved.

Raditz sensed around him but he couldn't find or see anything of Buu he then flew off back to the lookout where everyone had gone to after the tournament, 18 holding hers and Hagisu's daughter in her arms as she felt something was wrong but she couldn't figure out what it was until Raditz, Piccolo, and Krillin returned with Goku, Goten, and Trunks.

18 slowly walks over to the others as she doesn't see Hagisu with them holding back emotions hoping she doesn't get the answer she hears, Raditz confirms her fears as she falls to her knees bursting out screaming and tears coming to her face crying for her wife with Raditz comforting her.

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