Chapter 3: Freeza/Mecha Freeza Saga

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After what seemed like over two months the remaining Z Fighters finally reached Planet Namek along the way they met some rebel forces that had been hiding from Freeza after he either took over or destroyed their homes and then there was a fake Planet Namek where they met two villains who were trapped on the planet and wanted their ship for themselves but they were defeated by Hagisu while the others were "wrapped" up by tentacle monsters.

After that ordeal, they finally get to the planet where they are met by a few of Freeza's men hug Hagisu makes easy work on them as they go ahead and continue on their mission to find the dragon balls, but they quickly learn that some of them have been gathered but they also learned that Vegeta is on the planet as they saw his space pod passing by then crashed lands far away from them.

Vegeta gets out of his pod then gets ambushed by Cui who follows him to Namek to tail him but he finds this a good way to get some fun out of Vegeta after a brief fight Vegeta kills him leaving a smirk on his face as he does, Vegeta then started his way of searching for the Dragon Balls while Gohan and Krillin are investigating the new enemies that they will face sooner or later.

Hagisu in the main time is flying around Namek to find some Dragon Balls but what she found was something else and that's Lord Guru's home on top of a mountain pillar she then lands in front of the door and meets Nail the Guardian of Guru, the two talks for a few minutes as Hagisu explained what happening to her friends and why they are currently on their planet in which Guru summons Nail to have their new visitor to see him which she does to honor their elder's wishes.

Guru senses something within the warrior before him as he wishes to unlock her hidden potential she is curious about this and lets Guru unlock it which gives her a big power-up that destroys some Scouters, as this has gotten Gohan's and Krillin's attention which makes them worried but they let it go as they do their job by getting one of the Namekians out of harm's way.

While on her way back from Guru's and is given a dragon ball by Guru she returns to her friends to see Bulma and Krillin in fear she asks what's been going on and Krillin fills her in but then Gohan returns with Vegeta's dragon ball, upon returning to his hideout Vegeta got super raging mad as he then flies off to find the Earthly but he found Dodoria in his way as the two had a brief fight and Vegeta comes out on top as he continues looking for his missing dragon ball.

Hagisu in the meantime leads Krillin and Gohan to Guru's house along with their new friend Dende who would be safer to be with his kind than being with Earthlings as they are almost there they all feel Vegeta's energy as he just finished off Zarbon and still pissed off of his missing dragon ball he takes off away to the Earthlings, Krillin stays behind to defend them and hold off Vegeta while Hagisu and Gohan quickly get to Guru's home to let him unlock Gohan's hidden potential as they arrived Hagisu asks Guru to unlock Gohan next which he agrees to as he can sense something powerful within in him too.

Vegeta stops dashing when he spots Krillin along where he has gone mad and looking for his dragon ball but Krillin doesn't have it sensing Gohan's awaken potential snaps him out of it having been confused as to what has happened before Vegeta even enters Guru's home he gets into a small argument with Nail which is then stopped by Guru informing that five strong flamboyant soldiers are heading for the planet and this shocks Vegeta as he knows that Freeza just called in the Ginyu Force.

The Ginyu Force landed on Namek just near Freeza's ship as they introduced themselves (like they always do...ugh) Freeza informed them of the current l situation but they couldn't believe Vegeta had the "balls" to go against Freeza and kill his men, the Force moved out as they went and looked for Vegeta and his comrades while they are close to finding them the Z Fighters plus Vegeta went to his hideout to find the other Dragon Balls that he stole from Freeza a few hours ago.

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