Chapter 5: Dragon Ball Z Special, Bojack Unbound

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A few months after Grandpa Gohan passed away the Z fighters have been seen as heroes while keeping a low profile of their lives they do get noticed by fans when they take part in tournaments with this new tournament being hosted by Mr. Satan the world's champion of martial arts, only Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, Future Trunks, Future Hagisu, Present Hagisu, and Tien take part as they get throw the tournament with ease the others are sitting with the crowd cheering on their friends and family.

Android 18 is now with the Z fighters in the stands watching to see if Hagisu is worth her time to be with while not getting excited at first 18 gets into it over time as everything continues just like the originals until the meeting of Bojack and his crew, Hagisu, and Gohan are in their finals ready to face each other until they get interrupted by Bojack who is wanting to thank Goku by killing him for freeing him and his crew from King Kai's planet but both Saiyans turn Super Saiyans.

They were about to attack Bojack until the rest of his crew showed up with their friends and this just annoyed them both that they attacked the tournament for their entertainment, Bojack didn't notice that Zangya wasn't there with them but both Saiyans also noticed that Krillin is there also but they both showed up side by side as Krillin give Zangya a heartful hour of sweet words and convincing her to switch sides as it's not fun or good to be a villain.

Bojack doesn't take this to his liking as he orders his men to attack those two while he takes on the Saiyans Bojack gets hurt very easily but then Bojack, Bido, and Bujin transformed into their post-transformations, from above in Haven King Kai and Goku aren't happy of the current situation as Goku wish there is something he can do but he can't do anything yet back to the fight Raditz showed up after feeling something was wrong leaving Gine with the family as Raditz takes on Bujin.

Raditz struggles at first but then Hagisu helps her brother to kill Bujin as they turn their attentions to Bido who is using energy strings on Zangya and Krillin hurting them both then he lets them go after hurting them enough, Bido and Bojack both do the energy strings on the others hurting to a point of making Gohan goes Super Saiyan 2 he first made work on Bido killing him than his fight against Bojack.

Bojack is slightly stronger than Gohan he then locks Gohan in a bear hug trying to kill him but Goku interferes by punching Bojack's face making him fly across the field and then crash into a building, Bojack is now annoyed by this as he charges at Gohan ready to kill him for good but he gets spin back kicked by a returning Piccolo sending Bojack into another building.

Piccolo gives Hagisu and Gohan a Senzu bean each before he goes off and gives the others a beam he gives two to Krillin while they chat a little asking if they should trust this woman, Zangya can stand up with Krillin helping her as she pouts a little he goes on saying that she just turns her back to Bojack but she understands of the distrust and it must be earned by the others with Krillin vouching for her.

Everyone gets back on their feet and seeing Gohan going up against Bojack for the final battle which Bojack is proven to be more difficult to fight against then they all join in attacking Bojack to get him off guard and balance, Gohan opens up his mind as he turns into his Super Saiyan 2 form he then attacks Bojack again but he's a bit too much for Super Saiyan 2 as the others got around him and fired their most powerful attacks on all sides making Bojack nervous.

All attacks hit Bojack's head engulfing him into nothing and killing the monster pirate leaving Earth in a peaceful state once more while Krillin gains a girlfriend when Zangya kisses his cheek and holds his hand showing that she's staying with the team after everyone gets another Senzu bean Hagisu and Gohan gets back into their fighting stances which annoys everyone making them all sigh but Krillin mentions that the tournament isn't over and they are still in the final so they need to leave them to their battle annoyingly everyone agrees as they all leave the field.

Gohan and Hagisu started their fight as each one was toe to toe in their Super Saiyan forms but Hagisu saw a small window she used every trick that Gohan knew and then used new tricks to throw him off balance, Gohan tried his best to beat his auntie but he only manages to throw her off balance a little bit but at the end of the fight, Hagisu comes out on top of the tournament by knocking out Gohan leaving a smile on her face feeling proud of Gohan.

Hagisu went on to beat the champion of the world Mr Satan as the two meet first time they greet each other out of honour and respect for each other the fight starts but easily within three minutes of the final battle Hagisu wins but makes a deal with the champion, she only takes the prize money while he remains champion as the title wouldn't suit her at all as she only likes to win for the prize money than earning the world championship title.

After the tournament as everyone went their ways, Hagisu felt like walking for a bit before flying back to her house on Mt. Paozu he had made a homemade house near a river just in the middle of the mountain, and upon arriving back home Hagisu went to the bank first to cash in her prize money then went shopping for supplies and even a present for someone but that someone is Android 18 who is waiting in the house for Hagisu to return and their relationship took off from there which makes Hagisu happy to be with the one she loves.

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