Chapter 9: Future Trunks Saga

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A month has passed since the mysterious woman snuck her way into Hagisu's home, she explains that she's from future Hagisu's timeline one that is very safe since Hagisu's return from the past and kept it safe since then.

She gathered everyone except Goku and Caulifla as she didn't go into details yet she rather waited till the foe had come but she told them all that she was a clone of Goku and Bulma which was a pain for Bulma to do before anyone else could ask her anything a time machine appears but they all looked back at their new friend with her face being shock and blue outcomes Future Hagisu looking very annoyed with her arms crossed.

Hagisu was about to pull the Saiyan by her ear to take her back to their future but Piccolo stepped between them he explained that her friend was hiding something and needed to know what she was hiding, future Hagisu was about to say something until another time machine shows up but this one is Future Trunks with his future timeline version of Gohan without a second thought the strange Saiyan teleports to Goku and Caulifla as they were in the middle of training Caulifla's Super Saiyan 2 mastery.

Goku and Caulifla are confused when the Saiyan grabs their arms and teleports them back with the others showing the situation, Goku runs over to see what's going on but can't believe his eyes when he sees his son from the future but also surprised to see Future Hagisu also but they waited till Trunks wakes up while Future Gohan starts explaining their current foe.

Trunks finally awakens as he gets up to see Gohan telling the others about their future situation but Trunks just sits on the lawn chair complaining that his mother is gone and left behind Mai, then a wormhole appears and outcomes Goku Black looking for the sinners but what he finds is a group of fighters ready to send him back.

Goku and Future Hagisu turn Super Saiyan 2's as they both face Black together as it proves too much for him and he gets sent back to the future before he did Black blasted Gohan and Trunks' time machine, everything remains the same up until the first round against Black who proves to be too much for Goku, Raditz, Hagisu, Future Hagisu, Future Gohan and Future Trunks as they were close to death's door some soldiers come to the fighters rescue and to their hideout where they met the leader of the group Future Mai.

Trunks is happy to see her again but saddened that his mother died in Black's hands Gohan reassures him that they can try and use the dragon balls after all of this is over, everything again remains normal finding out who is Black and getting things ready for round two of the battles but they weren't expecting of third support.

During their round two fight when Zamazu first appeared he is also with another version of himself inside the body of Caulifla who is more than ready to prove that three different Zamazus are better than one after another beating everyone falls back to the past for more help and get things more ready as they got back present Caulifla was very worried for Goku that she is suppressing her feelings until the current situation is over and done with.

After an hour of getting things prepared Goku remembers he has Zeno's button and he plans to use it if things don't go their way, Caulifla and present Hagisu is going with them this time as they want to see things through but as they go through the future Caulifla, Hagisu and Goku are annoyed with Black as the three attacks him first while the others are handling Caulifla Black and Immortal Zamazu.

As they manage to take down everyone Goku still gets distracted by Zamazu and stabbed by Black which leaves a bad wound on Goku from a far Caulifla is getting angry seeing the man she cares for being tortured, helping Caulifla up the mysterious Saiyan from Hagisu's timeline as she clings onto the leg of the machine and she left go upon arriving as she falls on top of a building out cold throughout the fight until she woke up to help.

Black starts telling Goku how he stole his body which was the use of the Super Dragon Balls wishing to switch bodies with him and as soon they did Black killed Goku but he also killed Goten and his new wife Caulifla, he then explains that she did put up a good fight but she died by his hands this shocked Goku to learn that he's going to be married with Caulifla but furious that Black has killed them.

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