78|| We meet again

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Hiya guys! Short chapter today but I have a message at the end of this chapter about this book's future.

PS: Apologies for the writing. I written this on my phone and it's frustrating.

- ⭐️- (Omg hi Jay)

It had been four boring months of Zodiac Street.

Four extremely long boring months. Lizzy wished this wasn't the case. She wanted the chaos to return back. And although she wasn't a person to get involved in the chaos, she is used to hearing about the things everyone else had done.

But now everyone is quiet. Even the Crazy Club, the people who caused most of the chaos, was quiet. It felt like everyone was told to stay in their homes, windows shut.

But that was not the case now. The silence had led to the group taking time for themselves. She had heard that most of the squad had vacationed to different areas. Everyone in House 2 and House 6 stayed over with their families away from the Street. Alyssa, Lily and Sienna vacationed interstate. Even House 4 and House 8 went on a vacation together to the beachside. Everyone else remained back in their homes.

Lizzy couldn't help but miss the chaos. Every morning she'd wake up to hear her housemates or Alex complain about the chaos outside the walls.

"Lizzy, you won't believe this but Gilbert is on the roof."

"Lizzy, be careful. Alyssa is planning something."

"Good morning! You won't ever believe what the Crazy Club did."

"Lizzy! Oh there you are. Vivian called for an emergency meeting. It's something Gilbert did."




Now thinking about the past, she missed the morning shouts as well. This morning she woke up to find her housemates not complain. Instead they, and Alex who they invited over, were playing a board game in the dining room.

"How come I am always going to jail?" was Alex's voice from the room.

"I don't know, why are you asking me this?" was Giselle's voice.

"I am asking you this because you seemed to know the game well!"

"Ok first of all, just because I have luck on my side doesn't mean I know the game that well!" Giselle sighed. "I am bad at the game too!"

"Rules are rules Alex, you landed on the square. Your hat must go to the jail square." Aika's voice interrupted.

"I-" Alex exhaled. There was the sound of a counter hopping spaces. Then they continued. "Wait, hold on, listen. I am not going against the rules. I am not like Alyssa who is a massive cheater."

"You have a point..."

"Hey, Aika?" Giselle asked out of the blue. "Why are you not playing the game with us?"

"Well I am just checking on how you guys are playing. I would join if, you know, Lizzy joined in. But she's busy doing the dishes and staring out the window."

Lizzy, snapping back to reality, turned to the dining room. "I heard that."

"Hi Lizzy!" Giselle greeted.

"Oh hello Liz!" Alex's voice called out.

"Lizz!" Aika turned to the kitchen where Lizzy was in. "Are you finished with the dishes?"

Lizzy looked down. She realised she was midway through the dishes. She looked at her hands and noticed the yellow rubber gloves, and the spoon and sponge she was holding. "Uhhh, halfway done! Don't worry it won't be long."

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