11|| On the way!

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A big thank you to Mei (aka: _Meiflower_) for helping me give information.


It is 7am at the airport. The Earth Signs, Fire signs and Air signs were already at the airport waiting. The Fire Signs (except for Sam) were admiring the planes from the huge window (which is basically like a wall but it is a window.), the Air signs were admiring the souvenir shop while the Earth signs are basically seated on the seats watching the others. Sam was also seated on the seats but he, Cleo and Tahlia were all asleep.

Vivian was busy stroking Tahlia and Cleo's hair, and she watched Tyler play Angry Birds on his phone while stroking Sam's hair, and not to mention Cameron and Vincent having a discussion about who is going in which bed. Vivian cleared her throat.

"You boys do realise that I already arranged the room arrangements with the help of a random wheel," Vivian whispered. "You two are not together."

"Seriously Vivi? Why?" Vincent asked.

"Because we already booked in six rooms at the place we are going to stay at. And in each room, there would be a Fire sign, an Earth sign, an Air sign and a Water sign." Vivian pointed out with a smile, "It is the most genius idea I've ever thought of."

"And the most stupid." Tyler muttered under his breath, "Speaking of the Water signs, what is taking them so long."

"They're probably late again." Alex sighed as they sat down on the empty seat next to Tyler, "As always."

"Not always. It changed when the Water girls arrived." Cameron pointed out, looking away. He smiled when he saw a familiar group, "And here they are."

Indeed Cameron was right. There walking towards the group were the Water signs (well Carol, Sabrina, Pete and Skyler were walking. Phoebe was given a piggyback by Sabrina and Colin was given a piggyback by Skyler due to the two of them being asleep). Sabrina and Skyler placed the two sleeping water signs on some empty seats.

"I love how the Scorpios are doing all the work." Vincent laughed.

"I love how there are five people sleeping right now, " Pete pointed out.

"I love how my dream was interrupted due to Phoebe shaking me awake." Sabrina frowned.

"Wait... she was awake that early?" Tahlia asked softly, slowly waking up from her rest.

"Morning sweetheart." Vivian smiled softly, pecking her girlfriend on the forehead, "How was your rest?"

"It was good..." Tahlia replied with a smile.

"Yeah... she was shaking me and Carol awake, really early and told us that we would be driving in Skyler's nine-seater car." Sabrina frowned, "Carol and Pete were asleep on the drive and they woke up at the airport while Phoebe and Colin fell asleep after we got past security."

"Oh wow..." Vivian sighed.

She noticed Cleo stirring in her sleep. The young girl opened her eyes tiredly and looked up at Vivian, "Is the plane here?"

"No Cleo... it will be coming, and we need to listen for the announcement. So keep an ear out for it." Vivian whispered back.

"I am actually curious about my ticket. It says that it is Gate 3, and my number is A8." Carol mumbled.

"Mine is A1, Gate 3." Alex pointed out.

Vivian chuckled, "Mine is Gate 3, A12. Have you guys rode a plane before?"

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