29|| Nature Vacay #2: Sabrina's diary

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(A/N: Before we get to this chapter, here is a map I drew of the site (it's not the best))



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(In case you are wondering what that random line is from the lake to the edge of the paper is, it is aforest

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(In case you are wondering what that random line is from the lake to the edge of the paper is, it is aforest. But the areas in the forest are cleared out so everyone can do their activities.

And I may of made a mistake on the map but flying foxes are ziplines. I didn't know the are animals. Oof. And in case you are wondering what that thingy near the hot-tub is... it's a staircase)


Cleo yawned as she sat down on the black couch in the living room of the Main Cabin. It is already the next day and Cleo, like most of the other zodiacs, is still tired.

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