1~But Jesus told him, "Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead."

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"What's wrong?"

Grace stiffened, her shoulders giving a slight jerk, and she turned her head to her friend, Mark, but it was too late. His gaze followed hers and his brows drew together at what he saw.

She pushed the strand of hair she'd been playing with behind her ear. "Nothing. Just enjoying the scenery."

Mark laughed, and she immediately realized her mistake. "Yeah, sure. I never thought you'd be the kind of girl to drool over bare-chested guys with big muscles."

Grace felt her cheeks heat. "I wasn't looking at him." She shifted on the thick tree root and dipped her toe in the river. "He happened to be in my line of view."

"Uh-huh." He sat on the root across from her, and his gaze followed the object of her fascination. "Heard he's only here because he got caught making out with Holly Laine in the locker room."

One brow lifted and she peered at him. "Listening to rumors, are you?"

"Oh, c'mon, Grace I'm not judging the guy." He blew out a sigh. "Four years of high school and you've never shown interest in anyone."

She didn't bother to correct Mark. Her gaze drifted back to the guy standing in the river, studying the clear water, searching. "He's a hard worker."

Mark's brows rose at her defense. "Well, he's not a believer."

"A lot of people our age aren't."

"True." His lids hooded. "What's he doing?"

"I don't know." Grace had been trying to figure that out since she'd spotted him. "Looks like he's collecting rocks."

"Interesting hobby."

"We all have our issues."

Mark studied her. "Lunch is almost over. Archer says we need to finish the inside of the house today. You coming?" he asked, jerking his thumb in the direction of the camp.

She hesitated, not sure what was compelling her to stay. "Tell Mr. Archer I'll be there soon."

Her answer surprised him. "If you're not back in ten minutes, I'm coming to get you."

Grace smiled. "Ok, dad."

Mark reached over and ruffled her hair. "See you soon."

Grace watched him leave, debating if she should go with him. She was not the type of girl to chase guys, and she had no intention of chasing Leo Wilder, the school bad boy.

Why did she have the urge to stay?

Leo was the guy girls swooned over, whispered about, and secretly longed to make theirs. Except for Grace, of course, She wasn't swooning despite what Mark thought, but she was captivated.

When he'd stepped onto the school bus, she'd been skeptical but he hadn't complained all week despite the hard labor. He'd helped build houses and do repairs for those who needed them.

Leo chose the toughest jobs and worked without complaint, always doing more than his fair share. Everyone heard the rumors about him being forced to work, but he had earned Grace's respect this week.

What was he doing with those rocks?

Intrigued, she watched his movements wondering what made him choose each rock. Suddenly, Grace's eyes slammed into Leo's. A fierce blush crept up her neck at being caught obviously staring at him.

Leo's reaction surprised her. Heat spread across his chiseled jaw, and he reached for his t-shirt, which was slung around his neck and he quickly pulled it on.

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