27~When in doubt, pray

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"Is it the guys that chased us?" Leo asked, shutting the door and turning the lock.

"What?" Dean breathed, pulling Janessa to his side. "No. It's the weirdo from the next cabin."

Peter's eyes widened. "Toilet Dad?"

"Yeah, him." Dean's gaze sharpened. "Anyone got a weapon."

"I got your back, Bradshaw," Colton answered, a smile in his voice.

"That's not his back," Janessa snickered. "It's mine."

"Ah, thought you seemed a little puny."

"He can't even tell the difference between you and your girl, Dean," Peter laughed.

"Give me a break. It's pitch black in here. I can't see a thing."

"Just watch where you put those hands," Dean warned.

A pause, then Leo's voice. "What makes you think he's a threat?"

Colton snorted. "You mean other than he keeps popping up like a bad pimple?"

Dean released a heavy sigh. "I got a feeling he's not who he says he is."

Peter grunted. "He probably got that same vibe from you. You were dolled up like a woman and pretending to be Leo."


"Yeah, you missed all the fun, Wilder."

Three raps shook the door and spiked their nerves. "Hey, there, anyone home?" Harry's voice held an urgent note.

"We could just tell him it's not a good time. Or get lost if he doesn't take the hint," Mark whispered.

"I like him. He's nice," Rose said.

"A lot of serial killers seem nice."

"I think we should see what he wants. He may need help." Grace's soft words filled the room.

"He's like a door-to-door salesman that won't go away," Colton complained.

Leo released a long breath. "I'll go outside and talk to him."

A soft cry of distress slipped from her lips before Grace could stop it. Please God, take care of Leo. Protect us.

Somehow in the dark, he found her because Leo's deep voice whispered against her ear, "I'll be right back, angel."

And then he was gone, unlocking the door, and slipping out. At least he would have made it out, but Harry pushed through suddenly, unexpectedly, storming into the room like an avenger.

"Get back," he barked, kicking the door closed, but not before a sliver of moonlight caught on the gun in Harry's hand.


Rose screamed.

"This is how we die," Colton shrieked.

Leo and Mark were the closest to Harry, and they moved closer to him.

"No one's dying kid, not on my watch." With panther-like grace Harry moved to the window, inching the curtains back a fraction, and peering outside.

A vibration buzzed, and Harry tapped his phone, putting it on speaker. "Go ahead."

Glancing at each other, Leo and Mark frowned. Dean stepped up, joining them, his eyes glued on Harry's gun.

"All clear," came a feminine voice. "You?"

"We're good. Any word on the power?" Harry asked.

"Looks like a rolling blackout," the woman said. "Most of the town is affected."

Harry took a deep breath, throwing a look at Leo, Mark, and Dean. "I'll hang out here until we confirm."

"Let me know if you need anything."

Ending the call, Harry pushed the curtains open and beams of moonlight lit the small room.

Leo stepped in front of Grace protectively but didn't release her hand. "Who are you?"

Harry's steady gaze held Leo's. "I'm a friend of your dad's. Call him. We need to talk."

"He's lying." Dean tugged Janessa behind him, his voice low. "There's no way you could have gotten here that fast."

Colton frowned. "Yeah, he was here before we talked to John, right?"

Leo was already calling. John answered on the second ring. "What's up?"

"You know a guy named Harry?"

"Yes. He's your cabin neighbor," John informed them. "When I found out he was staying in the same place you rented, I asked him to keep an eye on you. He and his wife, Alice, are both FBI agents."

"You could have told us." Leo's quiet words held a note of accusation.

"I'm sorry." John sighed. "I wanted you to act natural around him."

Dean expelled a sharp, humorless laugh. "This dude just happened to be in the same place as we were? I don't like it. What does your friend Harry look like?"

"I don't blame you. It surprised me too, but you'll have to trust me on this." John's voice was patient. "God works in mysterious ways."

"It's true." Harry nodded, his expression open. "Alice and I take the kids to the river every year. I believe there's a reason you chose to come here."

Suspicion flashed in Leo's eyes. "This campground is new."

"I know. The owners are friends of ours. It was as much a surprise to me as it is to you that we happen to be neighbors, but like your dad said God can work miracles."

"You should have told us."

"You're right, son. I should have. At the time I thought it best to not force you kids to pretend not to know Harry and Alice." John's words were filled with regret. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. We trust you," Mark said, glancing around for support. "And we appreciate your help."

"Stop kissing up," Peter hissed.

"Is that Peter?" John chuckled. "Just the man I need to speak with."

"Not sure I like the sound of that."

"I've been doing some digging, trying to find out who is after you. Good news is we have some leads." John released a low breath. "Our suspects are influential people with power and not to be trifled with."

"Guess that's the bad news," Colton sighed. "Why can't you arrest them or have the police do it?"

"The problem is we need a motive and proof. Otherwise, we're wasting our time, and we can't afford to put you kids in danger if we can't stop these people for good."

Harry put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "That's what we need your help with Peter. These people think you have something that could implicate them. We need to find out what that is."

"It's Mike's phone," Peter told him. "The guys that killed Mike were looking for it."

"Ok, we start with the phone." Harry nodded. "I can get it to Sam tomorrow. Shouldn't take long to find out what's on it."

Peter dashed into the bedroom and returned with the phone.

"That works," John replied. "In the meantime, keep a low profile, and let Harry know if you see anything suspicious."

Harry heard the hopeful tone in his friend's voice and his gaze met Leo's. When it was clear Leo wasn't saying any more to his dad, Harry responded. "I'll keep a lookout, John."

"Thanks, man, I owe you."

"Anything else we should do?" Dean asked, keeping Janessa close.

John and Harry spoke at the same time. "Pray." 

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