32~Follow me and I will make you fishers of men

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Dean missed his last shot. They'd sat three cans on an oak stump and were taking turns hitting it with pecans. "What was that Bible verse Mark quoted about the baby?"

Leo picked up his first pecan. "For unto us a child is born..."

"Not that one."

One can fell beneath the force of the pecan. "Ask Mark. He's the Bible expert."

"If he ever comes back out." Dean sighed. "He's probably quoting scripture to Rose. She's about as far gone as Colton. Go figure."

Leo hit the second can and then the third.

"Show off," Peter grumbled. His eyes widened. "Hey, I remember. Something, something...and then he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

"That's the end of the verse Wilder started." Dean picked up his soda can and drank. "It's foreshadowing the birth of Christ. You hear it a lot at Christmas."

Peter was taking his time carefully selecting his pecans, but he glanced up. "Foreshadowing?" he laughed. "Now, you're breaking out the big words."

Leo's lips twitched, fighting a smile. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5."

"That's it!" Dean sat up straighter. "I knew you remembered, Wilder."

Leo's brows rose. "How's that?"

"You pay attention to details. I've been going crazy trying to figure it out. That verse is proof God knows us before we're born." Dean's voice held a touch of amazement. "It's humbling."

"I guess." Peter didn't sound impressed. "He was talking about that Jeremiah dude, not us."

Leo threw him an incredulous look. "Are you going to take a turn or just stare at those pecans?"

Peter lifted his arm, threw, and hit the first can. He grinned. "Ammo is important."

Dean glanced over, trying to get the convo back on track. "God is important."

"Why are you suddenly interested in God and scripture?" Leo threw him a curious look.

"I'm just trying to unravel this mystery before I lose my girl, our baby, and maybe my life. Mark says we have to accept Jesus before we die."

"Dude, that is a lot of drama," Peter ribbed. "Janessa's hormones might be contagious."

Releasing a heavy sigh, Dean stared off into the distance. "You could be right."

"He's not right. He's an idiot and so am I," Leo said, turning to Dean. "I'm sorry." I meant no disrespect. What you're doing is honorable."

"You can shoot straight with me, Wilder. I'm all over the place trying to put the puzzle together with half the pieces."

"Mark has the rest of the pieces. He's your man for deciphering scripture."

"I've talked to Mark, but now I want to discuss this with people who are where I am in faith."

Leo's lips twitched. "You mean people who just stepped on the bottom rung of the ladder of faith."

"Something like that." Dean smiled.

"Uh, not me man, I'm not anywhere near the ladder." Peter threw and missed.

"You're in denial Petey-boy. I've seen you listening to Mark like Leo and I do."

"Doesn't mean I believe."

With a look of disappointment, Dean turned to Leo.

"My dad's the religious one. I spent years denying God, then blaming God, and now I'm searching for God, but I might be too late."

Dean's brows furrowed. "You don't believe that."

"No, I guess I don't. God is calling us. We just have to answer. Problem is I'm carrying around distractions and guilt."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." A shadow fell across Dean's features. "That's why I wanted to talk to you. I haven't followed God's plan for my life. I'm carrying heavy sins."

Peter took his last shot and missed. "What'd you do?"

Leo tossed a get-real look and threw a pecan at him.

Dean chuckled.

For a moment Peter looked confused, but understanding dawned. "Oh, yeah, the pregnancy."

"Every single one of us has sinned," Leo said without hesitation. "Jesus took away our sin when he died on the cross in our place. It's up to choose Christ and follow him."

Peter jolted. "What did you just say?"

"We've all sinned—"

"Follow him," Peter repeated, dazed.

"I'm not a Bible expert but even I've heard that one. Jesus was talking to Peter." Dean searched his memory. "He said Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

Peter's face drained of color. "I heard a voice. The day Mike was killed. I was hiding, and I didn't know what to do. Then someone said, follow me. I turned and that's when I saw Mike's calendar and how I knew to pick you up."

Dean appeared stunned. "You think it was God's will we're on this wild adventure?"

"He's kept us safe so far. Guess we need to keep the faith." Leo glanced over and a flicker of light glinted off the cross around Peter's neck.

It was the same cross Mike had given Peter before he died.


Agent Roberts was being tailed.

He had to get ahold of Wilder. Those kids were in serious trouble. Resisting the urge to walk faster, he strolled through the crowd of pedestrians most of whom were probably searching for a place to eat lunch in downtown Houston. He took his time, acting like he hadn't a care in the world.

When he reached the place where his truck was parked on the street, he stopped at a coffee vendor and purchased a cup then he propped a shoulder against the wall and started scrolling, acting like a phone zombie.

Sip and scroll became his motto. Anyone watching wouldn't suspect his senses were on hyper-alert, no detail escaping his hawkish gaze. A suit and tie-clad man to his left, probably a lawyer or businessman, a hurried young man in a button-down shirt rolled up at the arms passed him, and two ladies in suits with heels walked by one of them smiling at him.

Nothing out of the ordinary. And yet he couldn't shake the feeling creating an ominous buzz in his gut. The need to flee burned inside him. The light rail zoomed closer. He waited. At the last possible moment, he made a mad dash across the tracks, hearing shouts behind him.

Cody jogged past his truck, slipped into an alleyway, and pressed his back against the wall. The light rail sped through the streets. Gradually, his breathing slowed. He took one quick look from behind the wall.

His truck shattered into a wall of fire.

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