35~For I am the Lord your God

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A sliver of warning lifted the hair at his nape. Leo's stomach clenched.

He stood alone in the empty room, searching in vain. She wasn't there. "Where's Grace?" he shouted, storming out of the girls' room.

Janessa's head popped up. "She's not in the bedroom?"

Go out the back door.

"No," Leo managed ignoring the voice. He gripped the doorframe, his knuckles white. Hurry. "I can't," he whispered.

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

Janessa's gaze slid over Leo with concern. "Dean," she whispered.

Dean pushed past Leo, searching the vacant room and returning with an edge of panic. He shook his head, confirming what Leo said. Grace had vanished.

"We all saw her go into the bedroom," Peter said, his expression shaken.

Mark dragged in a ragged breath. "No, no, she has to be here." He took off out the door, searching the area, stopping suddenly when two men dressed in black from head-to-toe stepped in front of him.

I am with you.

"Evening," the tall one with a scar delivered with an oily smile, a big gun resting in his hand. "We're your new neighbors. Thought we'd come introduce ourselves."

Suddenly, the gun was pointed at Mark's head.

Dean pulled Janessa behind him, and Colton, Peter, and Rose halted in their tracks when they saw the danger.

"Actually," the other shorter one added. "We just want to meet Peter."

"If it's any incentive, Peter is the only one who gets to live. So speak up, kids." Scarface grinned.

"There's supposed to be eight. Where's the other two?" Shorty snapped at his partner.

The guy cocked the gun at Mark's head. "Answer me, kid. Who is Peter?"

"He was an apostle of Jesus Christ," Mark answered, fearlessly, his steady gaze trained on them and threatening to kill him.

Rose gasped. Colton shot forward. "Let him go. I'm Peter."

Another gun leveled at Colton.

Peter stepped forward. "It's me."

"Stay back!" Scarface shouted, his gun arm moving from Mark to Peter, and then swinging to the rest of them.

His buddy took a step back as well, keeping his gun trained on all of them.

Dean took another step back. Then another. "When I tell you to run, you run," he whispered to Janessa. "Don't look back."

"No. I won't leave you." She swallowed back fear.

"Baby, this isn't the time to argue."

"I'm not leaving, Dean," she insisted.

Mark, Peter, Colton, and Rose also took steps back, keeping close together and staying in front of Dean and Janessa as if they'd all silently agreed to protect Janessa.

"Leo's missing." Colton's lips barely moved as he spoke.

"Probably went after Grace."

"They're not here," Rose's voice wobbled. "Do you think they're—"

"Shut up!" barked Scarface. "No talking! Everyone quiet!"

Janessa was startled and Rose let out a soft cry.

"Dude is louder than Coach Lawson."

Shorty stalked forward. "You slow kid? He said shut up! Next person talks eats lead."

"If you start shooting it's going bring witnesses," Peter said calmly. "I don't think either of you wants that."

Scarface's face split into a grin. "Guess you don't know what a silencer looks like, dimwit."

Colton let out a low, defeated sigh, finally hitting rock bottom. God, help us.


Grace shivered, despite the sweltering heat inside the van and her grip tightened on Leo's hand. "Are you ok?"

"I've been better." Despite his answer, she heard the smile in his voice.

"You've probably been drugged," the man across from them said.

Leo's gaze hooded suspiciously at the stranger who seemed oddly familiar. "Who did you say you were?"

"Agent Cody Roberts. I'm a friend of your dad's." He eased up, taking a peek outside, and turning to Leo.

"I've seen you before." Leo's gaze narrowed, trying to place the guy.

Grace put her other hand on top of his. "He's the detective who helped the kids from the Bluejay."

"A celebrity." Leo wasn't impressed, and he wasn't letting his guard down while Grace might be in danger. "Thought you were an agent."

Sensing the younger man's distrust, Agent Roberts looked John's son in the eye. "I am now, but your girlfriend is right. I used to be a detective."

"You learn to pull guns on innocents in the police academy or was it the FBI?" Leo fought back nausea, praying the guy didn't notice.

"Neither. It was a personal call, not how I wanted it to play out but I couldn't risk Grace giving us away. Those men out there are hired killers, and they were on your doorstep. I did what I had to do."

Grace's gaze moved from Agent Roberts to Leo. "I understand. He's one of the good guys."

Leo tried to squeeze her hand, but his grip felt weak. God help us. "Why are you here?"

"Turns out the case I've been working on is the same one you kids have fallen into like quicksand."

"Lucky us."

"When the boss decided I was less than trustworthy he hired someone to kill me." Agent Roberts grinned. "Too bad for them I'm a tough man to kill."

Grace managed a smile. "You decided to come rescue us?"

"John sent me to find you and the evidence to put these perps away." Roberts checked the window again. This time he tensed.

Leo jerked his chin. "What's going on out there?"

"Killer One and Killer Two are looking for evidence to implicate their boss. They think Peter has it." Agent Roberts moved into the aisle. "I'll take care of it."

"You'll need help." He pushed up.

"Leo," Grace whispered. "You're sick."

His hand moved to her cheek and his fingertips brushed along her jaw, then he turned back to Agent Roberts. "I can't let you go alone."

"God is on my side."

"I'm sure he is, and he's sending me in as backup."

Agent Robert's scrutinized John's boy. "Son, you can't even stand up."

"I'll get the job done."

Admiration flashed in Robert's eyes. "You really are your father's son."

"Thanks." Leo gave a curt nod. "Is there a plan or do we just go out there and take their guns away."

Roberts chuckled. "I had a plan, but I like yours better."

Leo dropped a quick kiss on Grace's lips and pressed something in her hands. "Here are the keys. If this goes wrong, get out of here. Promise me."

She understood his need to keep her safe, and she managed a nod not wanting Leo to worry about her, but Grace would never leave them. 

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