4~God is my provider

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Archer rubbed his jaw, surveying the group with appreciation. "You kids have changed lives this week. You did good. I'll miss you."

The uncharacteristic sentimental statement captured their attention. "We're still waiting for the punchline," Dean drawled when no one said anything.

"No joke. I'm proud of you." He gestured around. "Many of your peers didn't show up for the job, but you did. That's the difference between success and failure—showing up even when it's tough."

Rose glanced up from her phone. "One week of work doesn't seem like enough."

Mark's gaze flicked to the dark-haired girl who never seemed to put her phone down. "It will to the families who live here."

"That's right," Janessa agreed, with a big smile. "We change the world one good deed at a time."

Faith in Jesus Christ changed lives but Mark held his tongue, not because he was afraid to share the gospel or that he cared what people thought. Everyone here knew about his faith in Christ. Preaching to non-believers wasn't the answer. Only God could soften their hearts.

"The homes are livable now, but who would want to live in the middle of nowhere? We don't even have good service." Colton's blonde head turned to Rose. "Except Rose. Seriously, who is your provider?"

Dark eyes lifted to his. "God."

"Funny," Colton smirked. "No, really, who is it?"

"Seriously, God is my provider." She tossed the name of a cell phone company to appease them.

Mark watched her. She seemed genuine, but he never knew she was a believer, not that he knew her that well. In school, she was quiet and mostly kept to herself.

Janessa eyed Rose curiously. "Do you go to church?"

"No." She sounded sad. "I wish I could. My mom works weekends and we only have one car."

"She's a nurse, right?" Janessa asked, twisting her long hair into a loose knot on top of her head.

"Yes, she works in ICU."

Dean swatted a mosquito on his arm. "You believe in the man upstairs, Archer?"

"I believe in Jesus Christ, only son of the living God." His pointed gaze pinned Dean. "He should never be referred to as the man upstairs."

"Sorry, I meant no disrespect." Dean looked sheepish. "My family doesn't do church."

Archer clapped a hand over Dean's shoulder in a show of support. "It's never too late to seek the Lord. He's the answer to life. Seek him while you can, because life is short."

"I'll keep that in mind," Dean answered, his eyes drifting to Janessa who glanced away quickly.

Mark wanted to ask where Rose where she'd go to church if she had a ride, but he checked his phone and frowned. Grace had been gone a long time. He frowned, noticing that Leo Wilder was also missing.

Colton shook his head. "Dude, I was thinking the same thing. Where is the bus?"

"We may need to call someone."

"Like who? The Bus Fairy?" Dean laughed. "We're a hundred and fifty miles from home with shaky service at best and it's a Saturday night."

"Rose has service." Mark put his arm around her shoulders and felt her stiffen. He withdrew his arm, embarrassed by the gesture. He didn't go around touching girls he didn't know. What was wrong with him? "Sorry."

A smile tugged at her lips, but she didn't respond to his apology. "I can call the bus barn," she offered, her gaze lifting to Mr. Archer.

The Ag teacher surveyed the group. "Ten more minutes."

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