10~Keep us safe, Lord God

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Grace was heartbroken.

The pain Leo had endured was unimaginable. It was unthinkable. Tears stung her eyes when she thought of the agony he had gone through. As much as she'd wanted to know what happened she sensed he didn't want to talk about it.

"Where's Leo?" Janessa whispered once Grace sat down, her expression protective.

Grace wondered what kind of relationship Leo and Janessa shared. "He's still outside."

"Everything ok?"

"I hope so."

"How long have you been a Christian?"

Grace relaxed at the sincere question. "Since my parents were killed in a car accident. They were believers, and I wanted to please them. That's how it started."

"Oh," Janessa let out a soft gasp. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Of course, you didn't. I don't mind talking about my parents. They loved me, and I loved them but I never belonged to Jesus before they died. That may sound strange."

"Honestly, it does a little. Their deaths brought you to Jesus? I'd have blamed God for taking them."

"I did, at first, but I had my Aunt Sarah and I knew my parent's faith. More than anything they wanted me to belong to the Lord."

Janessa was quiet a moment and then, "Your aunt was religious like your parents?"

"No. She was sort of like Colton and Peter." Grace smiled, leaving out most of the story. "We made that journey together."

"It's cool you had someone to support you." Janessa let out a weary sigh. "My parents are divorced. I hardly see my dad and my mom works a lot."

"That must be hard."

"I've gone to church a few times, but I don't fit in there." She chewed on her ragged thumbnail. "Everyone is so...perfect."

"It sometimes seems that way, but I promise you every single one of them is struggling. Jesus is the only perfect one."

Janessa's forehead crinkled. "He expects us to be like him, you know, Christ-like."

"Well, yes, we are called to be more like Jesus. It's an ongoing battle. I wake up, pray, confess my sins, and the next day I start over hoping to be better."

"Isn't that soul-crushing? Always striving for perfection and falling short?"

"It might be if it wasn't for Jesus. When our burden is too heavy, He carries us. We don't need to be perfect, because we're forgiven." Seeing tears in Janessa's eyes, Grace reached over and touched her shoulder. "We all make mistakes."

A sad, haunted look shimmered in Janessa's eyes. "Some of us more than others."

"But none of us more than Jesus will forgive. We just have to ask him."

"That's it?" Janessa seemed doubtful.

"Yes. Confess and repent of sin. Ask Jesus into your heart."

"Sounds simple."

"It is."

"No offense, Grace, but a lot of things sound simple. Most are super complicated."

Grace smiled. "I know what you mean."

"Is Leo one of the things you're thinking about?"

"What? No," Grace said quickly, caught off guard. "He doesn't even seem simple."

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