30~We need Jesus

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"What do you think is going on?" Grace whispered, her heart still racing from their kiss. Now, it raced for another reason. Fear.

They'd been walking when they heard the sirens, and saw the flash of lights at Harry and Alice's cabin. An ambulance and a police car were there.  Lord, please be with Harry, Alice, and their children.

Leo's jaw tightened as the police stormed Harry's cabin. "I don't know, but I don't like it."

"Should we call Harry?"

Taking her hand, he felt for his phone not finding it. A crowd was beginning to gather to watch the commotion. "I must have left it. We should get back to the cabin."

Grace nodded, trembling.

"It's going to be ok." Leo's arm lifted and slid his warm hand behind her neck, his gaze locking with hers. "God has taken us this far."

"I know. It's just that first Mr. Archer and now Harry."

Leo pulled her into his arms. "We don't know that anything has happened to either of them," he whispered against her ear.

Grace inhaled, sniffling. He smelled so good. For a moment she allowed herself to borrow some of his strength, but she knew they couldn't stay here much longer without being discovered. "You're right. We should get back."

As soon as they walked into the cabin all attention swung to Grace and Leo. "Something's wrong at Harry's place," Leo announced.

"Yeah, he called. Harry's son, Tyler, was poisoned. He and Alice are in the emergency room with him now."

Grace gasped. "How is he?"

"He's hanging in there," Dean said. "They think he'll be fine, but there's some speculation about how it happened. Harry and Alice are being questioned by the police."

A heavy silence fell with the information as they considered what this could mean.

Peter's gut twisted. "You don't think..."

"We're all thinking it. A couple of agents happen to be our cabin neighbors and now their son is in the hospital, and they could be on their way to jail." Dean shook his head and locked his hands behind his neck. "Mike's killers may know where we are."

"If they knew, they'd be at our cabin instead of Harry's." Janessa sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

Leo tipped his chin at the TV. "Anyone seen the news?"

"Nothing new," Peter offered. "But I guess the bad guys wouldn't be talking to the media about their plans to put us six feet under."

Picking up the phone, Leo dialed his dad who answered on the first ring. "I'm aware of the situation." John wasted no time getting to the point. "Harry called. They're not being charged with anything, and Tyler is recovering."

Leo swallowed hard. "Is it possible the people after us know who Harry and Alice are?"

"Anything is possible. I'm following up on that as we speak." John blew out a low exhale. "That being said, it's unlikely. Harry and Alice are alias names and there is no way to tie them to me or you. That's the good news."

"What's the bad?" Dean asked.

"My source says the people after you are starting to suspect you didn't die in that explosion. We're trying to provide them with proof but they're wary."

"Yeah, that's bad." Colton sighed.

"We didn't find anything on Mike's phone. I need your help, Peter." John paused. "Did Mike mention anything to you or give you something that might help us nail these perps?"

Peter's features twisted in an expression of deep concentration. He shook his head. Frowned. "He said he was onto something big and he was working on proof to take the police. I asked him what it was, but he wouldn't tell me. Said it was better I didn't know in case something happened to him."

"What? That makes no sense." Leo frowned. "How would you find his killer if you didn't know what was going on?"

"Maybe he wasn't interested in Peter hunting killers," John said carefully. "He may have been trying to keep his friend alive. Guess he didn't expect Peter to walk in on the murder."

Janessa made a soft sound of frustration. "For top-notch, techy, assassins you'd think they would know better than to kill Peter when his roommate was coming home."

Peter's head snapped up. "I'd just moved in with Mike a few days ago. They might not have known I lived there."

"Listen, Peter, these people think you have proof that can take them down or they wouldn't have gone to the trouble to hunt you. Think carefully. Is it possible he passed proof along to you without you knowing?"

After another tense pause, Peter said with defeat, "I wish I could help. If he left me something, I have no clue where or what it could be. Maybe it's in my car."

"They checked your car and the rest of your belongings at Mike's apartment."

"I'm sorry."

"No worries, we'll keep searching. Hang tight for another couple of days. I'll be in touch."

"We need a truckload of good luck," Rose whispered.

Mark's eyes landed on Rose. "We need Jesus."

John's response was immediate. "You're right about that, son. Jesus is all any of us needs."

"With all due respect, we need evidence that will hold up in court," Colton muttered beneath his breath.

Several others looked sadly and Colton but no one contradicted him.


Archie waited until the servant set the silver platters on the fine linen tablecloth and bowed. "Will that be all, sir?"

With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the server.

"You seem to be in a mood today." Delilah lifted the elegant wine glass and brought it to her painted lips. "The loose ends have been neatly tied. I expected you to be pleased."

"Hmm." He set his own wine glass down. "I hope the tie is not in a noose meant to hang us, my dear."

"If you don't trust Payne, you may want to reconsider my first plan which is to find someone else to handle our... investments."

"Yes, and that is why I am in control of our future." He loosened his tie. "You wanted to have the man killed. I prefer to keep my enemies close, which is why I have hired someone to spy on Payne."

Delilah lifted a delicate brow. "Perhaps working with kids has turned you soft."

"No more so than your need for blood has turned you into a ruthless murderer."

Her lips compressed. "Do not keep me in suspense. What have you found?"

"Payne's proof that those pesky kids have been eliminated has more holes in it than this cheese." He jabbed his dainty fork on his plate.

"They can't be alive." Her cold gaze pinned his. "I assume you are dealing with this."

"I am taking no chances. If they are alive, they won't be for long. My spy has found twelve campgrounds in that provincial little town."

"Twelve," Delilah repeated, taking another drink. "Too many."

"Nine of them were full. Most had reservations made months in advance. I'm focusing on the remaining three. If they are alive, they'll be dead by this time tomorrow."

A wicked glint lit her eyes. "Wonderful."

"Yes, it is," Archie agreed and for the first time he smiled.

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