13~Jesus heals the sick

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"They're leaving!"

The sound of the helicopter faded in the distance as Colton's fist punched the air. "Go on, get outta here!"

Rose stared up at the sky, unable to believe their luck. "They had to have seen us. Why are they leaving?"

Mark smiled at her, knowing she wasn't ready for the answer. She'd said she believed in God, but he wasn't sure Rose knew Jesus. Lord God, soften her heart. Help her to know you love her and are waiting for her.

"Think they'll come back with reinforcements?" Peter asked, shaken.

"Nah, if they'd seen us, we wouldn't be alive now."

Mark's gaze met Grace's. They'd both heard the small, still voice declaring the Lord's power. Others heard it too, but they didn't know that yet or they weren't willing to accept it.

"Please tell me you turned the phone off." Peter's voice was quiet, weary.

Colton glanced at Peter. "Yeah, I did as soon as I saw the helicopter."

Janessa's eyes widened. "You think someone actually traced Colton's call and sent a helicopter?"

"That only happens in the movies."

"Exactly," Colton drawled.

"It was too close for coincidence." Leo's jaw tightened. "We should rest. Tomorrow will be another long day."

"Longer." Dean sounded grim. "We have enough snacks for dinner, but that will wipe out our food."

"If we have to, we can do without a day." Colton didn't look pleased. "I guess we won't starve."

"There's always fishing and pecans," Grace suggested.

Janessa managed a weak nod. She was desperate to keep her sickness from the others. Clutching her belly, she prayed to the God Mark and Grace had faith in, the one whose voice had spoken on the wind drowning out the sound of the helicopter. God, I need you.

"Hey," Grace whispered, brushing a strand of hair from Janessa's damp cheek. "Are you ok?"

"I think so." It took every bit of strength to smile. "River water doesn't agree with me."

Grace seemed to understand. "I've been feeling a little queasy too."

"I'll be fine after I rest awhile." Janessa was impressed with how confident she sounded.

Dean stepped closer to her, his brows drawn together in a fierce frown. She must look worse than he thought. Stealing a glimpse of her handsome, dashing hero, Janessa's heart cracked a bit more. You know my secrets, God. Can you forgive me?

"If you want me to go, I will." His deep voice rumbled through her creating a stir of tingles.

Janessa's gaze locked with his. "Stay, Dean."

His arm gently hooked her shoulders, and Grace stepped away giving them privacy. She wasn't the only one watching the couple. A slice of jealousy cut through her, but Grace refused to let it linger. Leo's feelings for Janessa were none of her business.

A few feet away Rose's head was bowed and she cried softly. Without thinking Mark touched her arm and she flinched. Her eyes flew to his.

Regret stung him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it."

"I know." A pink stain colored her cheeks. "It's not you."

Mark took a step away from her, putting distance between them but not before he caught the yellow marks on her arm. Seeing where his gaze was fastened, Rose's blush deepened and she pressed her fist to her mouth.

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