26 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you

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Colton wadded an empty chip bag, aimed for the trashcan and missed. "Would someone tell me what's going on?"

"Well, smart guy, very dangerous dudes with guns and Molotov cocktails are chasing us down like wild hogs," Peter spoke as if talking to someone slow of understanding.

Mark's lips twitched. Grace and Rose shared a smile, and Leo shook his head.

"Ha, ha. Guess you think you're funny." Colton got up and picked up his trash.

"Wasn't trying to be, but you asked for it."

"What?" Colton's forehead crinkled. "Am I the only one who doesn't know what's wrong with Janessa?"

Mark, Grace, Rose and Leo were silent, none of them willing to betray her trust.

"I can't believe you guys told Peter and not me. I've known Janessa since pre-school." He hurled the accusation like a bad basketball shot.

"It's not our story to tell," Leo said, flipping channels on the TV.

"Looking for your favorite soap opera?" Colton smirked, but Leo ignored him.

Grace looked at Leo. "Anything new?"

He shook his head, giving her a reassuring smile. "Not about us. They're focusing on national news."

Rose stared at the screen, taking in the scene of protestors. "Something big is happening."

"The Supreme court overturned Roe vs. Wade. It'll now be up to the states to decide whether or not to allow abortion."

"That's terrible!" Rose cried, her lips parting in shock. She jumped up from her chair. "I can't believe women's rights are being taken away!"

"I'm surprised you feel that way since your mother chose life," Grace said gently, but the expression on Rose's face let her know the words were not well taken.

"I am pro-life. That doesn't mean we have to turn the clock back to 1943. What if a woman is raped? Or maybe her life is in jeopardy if she carries the baby to term." Rose's eyes drifted to Mark, hoping to find an ally. "We have to protect women's choice in those circumstances."

Grace put her hand on Rose's back. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"All women should be upset about this, Grace. It's a dark day in our history. Surely, God doesn't condone treating women this way."

"God doesn't condone killing babies," Leo said. "Sadly, this won't stop all abortions. Like I said, each state will decide. If it's not as easy, women have more time to change their minds. Lives will be saved."

"You're a guy, Leo. You don't get a say in this." Rose turned to Mark again. "You get it, don't you?"

"No, Rose." Mark's voice was firm but calm, his eyes sympathetic. "I hear you, but you're wrong. God would never agree with taking an innocent baby's life for any reason."

"I'm not talking about a baby!" Rose's cheeks heated. "This is before they're born."

Mark stood up, his eyes meeting Rose's. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Jeremiah 1:5."

Rose stared in shock, momentarily speechless.

"Hello! Who cares about a stupid protest?" Colton waved his arms in front of them. "I want to know what's going on with Janessa?"

Peter smirked. "No one told me, genius, I figured it out. Put two and two together."

"It's five, right?" Colton pretended to count on his fingers.

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