Hangman 1.1

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After the mission, we decided it was the perfect time to celebrate with a few drinks and games in the local bar.

Rooster and Maverick were talking amongst themselves, most likely about Goose. They both went through a lot in terms of his death; Bradley lost his father at a very young age, and Pete lost his best friend in a matter of seconds, and they both had to live with their grief ever since. I'm glad that they finally understood each others pain and learned to love each other, but the best part was that Pete found a new best friend in Bradley while Bradley found a father figure to look up to. Not many of us get the luxury of having someone to look up to.

The rest of the boys were huddled around the pool table, occasionally one of them approaching us girls to chat and hang out, only to return to his own group a few minutes later. After a while I noticed that most of the boys weren't even playing, they were just watching Hangman beat the others one by one, every now and then cheering if someone else miraculously pocketed. By the looks of it, Hangman was unbeatable.

Us girls were sitting in a comfortable corner booth, talking about absolutely nothing yet at the same time everything. There was four of us. Me - Nadia "Ghost" Ravenford, Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Jayne Harper and Samantha Bloggs. The last two weren't Pilots, but they were cool and fun to hang out with.

"So, 'Ghost', you never told us how you received your call sign" Jayne switched the topic of the conversation.

"Oh yeah, i've been meaning to ask but it always slipped my mind!" Samantha added.

These two have known each other since... birth would be pretty accurate. Their mothers were best friends, so naturally Sam and Jayne grew close over time. They probably preferred each other over anyone else in the booth, or even the bar, but that's just how it works with best friends.

I gave a small laugh, thinking about my answer.

'Umm...-" I began, before I was interrupted by Natasha.

"It's her ability to fly completely undetected until the last second. She targets someone and their chances of escaping are slim, because they are usually unprepared"

"Thank you, Phoenix, I'm sure everyone now realizes I am incapable of answering questions myself" I said sarcastically, taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh, no problem, honey, I know how shy you are" She gave me a playful wink.

Phoenix and I have known each other since I started Top Gun. She was the person I was closest to, because girls have to stay together. The boys enjoyed teasing us because of the fact that, firstly, not many women sign up for the military and they found it humourous, and secondly because we sat, talked and went everywhere together most of the time. They didn't seem to have a problem with us, though, which is a relief considering the amount of discrimination I had to endure before Top Gun.

"Impressive" Sam commented.

"Yeah, impressive for those looking on from a safe distance, quite the opposite for the receivers" Natasha laughed.

I diverted my eyes towards the pool table. As I watched the boys laugh together and as I spent more and more time with the girls, I couldn't help but experience the unfamiliar feeling of being accepted. For once in my life, I was truly happy exactly where I was.

Natasha seemed to notice me blatantly staring at the guys, as she nudged me and said,

"Kiss, Marry, Kill. Fanboy, Hangman and Bob"

'Oof, that's a hard one" I reply. "Let me think about this"

"Well, go on then. Think"

"Well, I would say Marry Fanboy because he seems like the type to do something nice every once in a while, for example cook dinner so you don't have to. I could add kill Hangman to that because he pisses me off more than words can describe, but then that would leave me with Bob to kiss which I don't particularly have the intention of doing"

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