Fanboy 1.1

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"Do you want to tell me what happened at school today, Evelyn?" My mother took my arms in her hands and kneeled down to be level with me.

She was using a soft and quiet voice, the one she always used when I was upset.

"They were hurting him" I softly cried.

"Who, Evelyn?" she touched my bruised cheek.

"My friend. He was on the ground and they... they were..." I couldn't finish the sentence. I broke out in tears, my mother pulling me towards her.

"What did you do, honey?"

"I was just so angry and I couldn't watch them" I cried into her shoulder.

"What did you do?" She repeated patiently, her voice calm.

I sniffled a few times before answering.

"I hit them" I whispered. "I was just so angry and I hit them"

"It's okay" she rubbed my back, "you were protecting your friend, it's okay"

"They hit him like daddy hits you" I pulled away, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

She sighed, looking down for a while before looking back up into my teary eyes.

"Let's not talk about daddy, okay? Daddy doesn't mean to, he is just very stressed"

"I love you mama"

"I love you too baby"

5 years later

I jumped as I heard the door 'bang' open, letting me know that my father came home.

"Oscar, calm down!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs.

I opened my bedroom door and walked out into the hallway.

"Oscar, put that down!"

I took a few steps down the stairs to see my father, a bottle in hand, cornering my mother.

"Evelyn go back upstairs" she shouted.

I heard my father trying to speak. His words came out incomprehensible.

"Oscar, you're not making sense!" She yelled at him.

He took a step towards her, shouting incoherent words.

I ran down just as he raised his hand.

"Leave her alone!" I shouted, throwing myself at him and knocking him off balance. He stumbled a few feet and dropped the bottle, which smashed on the ground into a thousand pieces, before regaining his unstable stance.

"Evelyn!" My mother gasped, pulling me away from my father.

He muttered under his breath.

"Oscar, no!" my mother pushed me aside as he charged at me.

He struck my mother across the face, making her fall to the side, before shoving me backwards. My back hit the wall with a 'thud'

The smell of alcohol filled my lungs as he grabbed me by the shirt and pulled it upwards towards him, continuing his rambling.

I hit his arm, trying to push him off of me but his grip on my shirt was too tight.

I began touching the furniture around me for anything that can help me.

Grabbing a lamp, I swung it over his head. He fell to the side, and his movements ceased.

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