Maverick 1.1

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Spending an evening in the bar was not unusual for Katherine 'Hornet' Taylor.

Spending a night with none other than Pete 'Maverick'  Mitchell on the other hand... Now that was something that Katherine was not expecting in the least.

Sure, she thought Maverick was good-looking and his green eyes so beautiful you could gaze into them for hours. Who didn't?

But she never thought that a conversation and a few drinks would lead to this.

She never even thought that he would be interested in her. She still wasn't sure if he was. During their conversation he had told her something along the lines of, "I would never admit this sober, and I'll probably regret telling you this tomorrow but I like talking to you. You're funny, smart, and beautiful. I know we are supposed to stay professional and all but how can I when I'm constantly thinking about you..."

Yeah, that was more or less what he said. Katherine didn't remember his exact wording, but she remembered how she felt when it was being said.

Firstly, she felt embarrassed. Compliments were not something she was particularly used to. How could they be? She was a woman in the navy which was bound to cause some problems for her. A British woman, no less. She received many insults from the men during the course of her career. Most of the guys she met along the way would make use of remarks such as "you should be in the kitchen", or "get back to your own country". It was only when she was transferred to Top Gun that she met some decent pilots, who treated her as an equal and even befriended her. Truthfully, she was surprised when she realized that nobody was trying to humiliate or discourage her, especially since all those years of discrimination and comments made her very untrusting and tend to constantly look for hidden messages in every word that was spoken to her.

Secondly, she felt flustered. Again, she rarely received compliments from the people around her so when Maverick began telling her all of the nice things he thought she was she felt a blush creeping up her face, which had him smiling from ear to ear.

And thirdly, she felt a bit disappointed. Not because Maverick was giving her his attention, paying for her drinks and complimenting her. The reason behind her disappointment was that she thought she knew his intentions. Before Top Gun, she would allow herself a one-night-stand every once in a while. This was usually one of the pilots she was training with or some stranger from a bar. The one thing that they all had in common was that they were all angry in the mornings that she hadn't left yet, which left her feeling humiliated while she grabbed her stuff and rushed out of their houses. That was exactly what Katherine thought Maverick wanted.

She decided that she will deal with that in the morning if the night ends with her back at his place.

However, the morning came sooner than she would have liked. The time she spent with Maverick was, and she couldn't lie, amazing. He made sure she was comfortable every once in a while, and then once it was over he brought a bottle of water for her along with one of his shirts that she could sleep in.

Not long after, they both fell asleep.

When she woke up, Katherine layed on his bed staring up at his ceiling and listening to his quiet breathing, the alcohol having already worn off. She was contemplating what would be the best and safest option for her. She could wait for him to wake up so she didn't have to sneak around his house in an attempt not to wake him up. She could go back to sleep for a while, but risk him waking up first and kicking her out of his house. Or, she could just get up now and quietly get herself back into her clothes which were scattered around the room, then leave to avoid the humiliation of being kicked out of the house.

She looked at the small clock on his bedside table, which read '04:36'.

He would be waking up in around one and a half hours, so he should be in a deep sleep. She decided to choose the third option.

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