Rooster 1.2 (+Hangman)

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If you have ever been in a hospital for more than a few hours, you would know it gets quite boring.

During work hours nobody could visit Johanna. Not her friends, not her father and not her...boyfriend? Is that what he was to her then?

Now, of course, she is proud to call him her boyfriend. He is the most gentle soul you could ever meet, the most loving, caring, amazing person on Earth.

But back then, they had just had their first kiss.

And it was amazing.

Who knew that in order to get someone to admit their feelings for you was to almost lose your life.

But that's just how it is. Nobody appreciates the things around them until they are gone.

Or sometimes almost gone.

A few months had passed since the accident, and Johanna was finally happy with her life.

She knew that Rooster was the right man for her. He gave her so much love and treated her like royalty.

And Rooster finally got to admit his feelings to Johanna. He believes she deserves the world. He believes she is perfect in every way. Except her flying, it's reckless.

But above all, they know they will always find their way back to each other. No matter what life throws at them, they will overcome it. The accident proved that.

Where she would be right now if the accident didn't happen she didn't know. She probably would still be arguing with Rooster over little things, she would lose Phoenix as a friend and she would be angry at her father.

But it happened, and now she loves Rooster from the bottom of her heart, she's back on good terms with Phoenix and her and her father have decided to forget their argument. On top of that she has a previously broken leg that annoys her every once in a while, resulting in her having to miss training for days at a time.

However, as much as Rooster and Johanna loved each other, no relationship is perfect.

There is always something in the way of complete happiness.

In this case, it is Maverick.

Johanna loved her father very much, out of the two of her parents he was the one that stayed and took care of her, raised her, taught her. He was the one that ran into her room in the middle of the night after she had a nightmare, he was the one that picked her up when she fell. He was the one that stayed.

But Rooster has different opinions. He believes that Maverick caused his fathers death. For Johanna's sake, though, he tolerates Maverick as best as he can. Most of the time.

Sometimes, however, he makes it his life's mission to piss off Maverick as much as possible, or at least that's how it looks like from Johanna's point of view.

That usually ends with an argument between Rooster and Johanna, followed by a day or two of not speaking to each other.

Then there's the fight about who is the one in the wrong, until finally someone decides to be the bigger person and end the argument.

But other than that, things are great. They have the best moments together and have even adopted a dog together.

A Staffordshire Bullterrier named Nina.

She is the sweetest dog Johanna has ever met, and out of every dog the breeder had, Nina stood out the most.

She is so full of life and excitement, curious about everything.

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