Hangman 1.2

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I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling, thinking about tonights events.

As soon as I walked through the door of my home I texted Natasha, just like I promised to let her know I got home safe. I can't believe she saw what happened.

I don't regret what happened either.

In fact, I don't know what I feel.




Hangman has never shown any interest in me before. He has never acted towards anyone the way he did tonight to me. The way he helped me win that first game, the way he sent chills down my spine every time he came near me, the way he looked at me when he lost that game. It all confused me.

I enjoyed spending time with him tonight. He made me feel wanted, accepted. He made me feel like I mattered to someone.

But I think, above all, he scared me.

I see him flirting with girls all the time. You could tell that they thought they were "the one", they thought he wasn't just looking for one night with them, after which he would ignore them.

So how am I supposed to know I'm not one of them?

The longer I think about this the angrier I become at myself for letting him use me like he did so many others. All those times I said to Natasha that I would never act the same as all those desperate girls who want nothing more than to be noticed by the hot player. All those times I've scoffed or rolled my eyes at them, all those times I've warned girls not to trust him. After all that, all it took for me to forget everything was a game and a look he gave me...

I felt a tear escape my eye.

It makes me look like I was jealous, trying to keep them away from Hangman like that.
It makes me look desperate from every one else's point of view.

What worried me the most was what Hangman and Natasha thought of me.

Hangman must think I'm just like the other girls, and Natasha has probably already told Jayne and Sam what she saw and the three of them are sitting in our booth laughing and judging me, just like we judged and laughed at those girls.

So I am left alone, regretting agreeing to that one game which led to many more and eventually to the moment that continues to make me feel good when I think about it.

I am angry at myself, at Hangman. But I can't help but continue to feel something for him.

"And... Rooster is out" I hear Maverick over the radio.

A small "damn" could be heard from Rooster as he turned his plane around, taking it back to our starting point.

"Once Rooster has safely landed, I want Phoenix, Ghost and Hangman up in the air. Let's see what you got"

After the mission, Maverick decided to take up teaching the best of the best at Top Gun.

Meaning us.

I was chilling in my plane with the canopy open eating my way through a bag of nuts waiting for Rooster to get back when I glanced to my left to see Hangman making his way over.

I sighed, averting my eyes away from him and looking straight ahead, waiting for him, dreading what comes next.

I expect him to say something cocky and arrogant, but to my surprise he doesn't. Instead, I watch him climb up my plane.

I turn to look at him, beginning to question what he is doing, but I didn't get to say anything as he placed his hand on my face, directing it upwards to face him and kissed me.

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