Rooster 2.1

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"That is so cool!" My six-year-old neighbour shouted out while looking at the photographs in my garage and wearing my helmet with the word 'Ghost' written on the side.

"Yeah, that's me in Pilot School" I said to him, smiling.

This boy has been fascinated by planes and pilots ever since he met me. He has been coming to my garage a lot because I had many photographs that he loves to look at. Some were of me and some friends from training, some were of planes. This is also where I kept my gear, meaning that when he came over he never passed up the opportunity to wear my helmet.

"Have you ever been to Top Gun?" He asked.

"I have. Look at this" I passed him a picture of me and a friend. "This picture was taken in Top Gun a few years ago" I pointed at the friend, "This is Phoenix, my bestest friend in Top Gun"

"That's such a cool name!" He exclaimed, then added "not as cool as Ghost though"

"I know" I whispered, laughing. "Don't tell her I said that"

"How many friends did you have in Top Gun?" He asked.

"Well, Phoenix was one. There was also Rooster and Hangman, always at each others throats" I answered.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing behind me. I laughed at his sudden change in topic, looking behind me at what he was pointing at.

It was a figure of my plane, standing on a shelf too high for the little boy to reach.

I took it down and kneeled down to show it to him.

"This, Nathan, is my plane"

He reached out his hands excitedly, but took the figure as gently as he could.


"Right?" I smiled.

I was about to tell him how I came to receive such a gift when we were interrupted by a car turning into my driveway. I stood up from my kneeling position to get a glimpse of the driver.

I took the figure from Nathan and placed it on the nearest flat surface I could find, which just happened to be the seat of my bike.

A man stepped out of the vehicle. I figured he was a commanding officer, as he was in uniform.

I saluted in respect. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Nathan also saluting the officer with exaggerated seriousness painted on his face. I struggled to keep in an amused smile.

"Rest, Leuitenants" The officer commanded, playing along.

Both our arms fell at our sides at the same time, Nathan clearly trying to keep in sync with me.

"A message from Miramar Base, I am looking for Leuitenant Nadia "Ghost" Ravenford, I assume that is you?" He looked over at me.

"Yes, sir" I replied.

"A complication arose and a new mission has been ensued. Top Gun needs all the help it can get, and that means the best of the best must return to defend our land and it's people. This is why you are being called back to Miramar. You must train with the other candidates to defeat this ungodly hostility that is being brought upon our land by a sworn enemy. You are needed at Top Gun by the end of the week, and you're advised to leave immediately"

"Yes, sir!" I answered, saluting once more. Nathan copied my movement.

The officer also saluted before turning on his heel and leaving us alone once again.

As the car turned the corner I looked down at Nathan, who was bouncing on his heels excitedly.

"You're going back to Top Gun!" he exclaimed.

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