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Serena woke up in the arms of her lovely husband with a small smile who was holding her close to him by her waist her bare breasts pressed against his rock hard bare chest as the plain white sheets covered them.

it had been two days since they got the happy news Ash, serena and Gary are going back to rota to tell the news while Steve and isabel would be staying here at alola as ilene appointed them to look after the trio.

as soon as they got the news they booked a appointment at the doctors who said serena and their 'lil ketchum' (as they both stated)both of them are healthy serena was purely estatic about it but also a bit nervous

"Would I be able to be a good mother?"

She mumbled to herself as she buried her head in Ash's chest but unknown to her he was wide a awake

"Yes, I believe in you"

She was startled at the sudden response from her sleeping husband that's what she thought

"But i dont know if I would be able to take care of the baby"

"I know you can and I am with you I was there with you and I always will be there with you " He said as he kissed her forehead
She snuggled more into him until there was a knock on the door and a voice

"Prince Ash and Princess Serena it's time to get up, your plane will leave in 4 hours and oak tree and other pokemons are also up"

Then they heard another scream

which was Gary

"Yeah we are coming aunt isabel" Ash answered while serena was giggling as she heard "oak tree" From isabel

Ash kissed her forehead as they both did their morning routines and went to have their breakfast Steve was giving food to the Pokemons Pikachu came up to the couple and first jumped onto ash shoulder and nuzzled his cheek against Ash's and then he slowly climbed onto serena's shoulder and licked her cheek and nuzzled her who giggled at this action

"Good Morning Ashy-Boy and Serry-Berry " Gary said as he looked up at them from the plate of pancakes which isabel was making for them

"Good Morning Gare-Bear"
"Good Morning Oak tree"

Gary cried anime tears when they said those names isabel giggled as she heard the conversation she put the fresh pancake she was making and put it on a plate which was stacked with pancakes and put both the plates on the table for ash and serena and called Steve too for breakfast.

They all ate their breakfasts with some light chats Isabel was too much excited as she wanted to look after a 'lil ketchum' again as she babysitted Ash and Gary nearly since their birth and Steve was happy they told them the news the same day they came to know about this ash and serena already called grace and asked her to come to rota too without telling her the reason she was confused but agreed because ash was the one to talk to her not serena and their parents are completely clueless about it.

the trio got their stuff which wasn't anything except their personal devices and some small things they took their pokeballs
And they sat in the flying spur as Steve drove them to the aiport.

They reached airport and took their private jet as the plane took off.......


In Rota

Everyone including Grace, Delia, blue, leaf, Prof. Oak, Ilene were tensed as they sat in one if the living room because when ash told them that the three were coming to rota for telling them something and he invited grace too and the reason they were tensed was because of Ash's serious face and tone which unknown to them ash did on purpose as he called them on facetime they thought that they were getting separate which stressed them as they didn't wanted this to happen due to the respect on the Royal family and mainly due to their own happiness.

Then suddenly a servant came in and said "Prince,Princess and Mast. Gary have arrived here"

"Bring them here " Delia said

After a few moments ash serena and Gary entered the parents hugged their children and Delia and ilene hugged serena as grace hugged ash they sat on the couch this living room was customised as a modern one they talked for a bit then ash got up and fake coughd to get their attention which all head turned towards him he took Serena's hand as she also stood up as she was sitting next to him the bubble of nervousness suddenly vanished from the chests of their parents as they saw how how happy the both of then were  when they came in

"So everyone I have to tell you all something "ash said as he held serena by the waist and pulled her close

" What is it ash? " Ilene asked

"It's a news about something"

"Good or bad? " Leaf asked

They didn't notice Gary smirking

"Well it's better if we tell you "serena said

" I think you should guess it"ash asked

"Is it something related to college? "- Ilene

"Did ash started battling? "- Blue

" Yes ash did started battling at the college, dad"

"Is it related to the wcs and performances? "

'Performances' serena didn't thought about it all she won't be able to perform now as she was pregnant but she still had time about some 2 years she quickly put up a smile as she shook of these thoughts

"Nope" Serena replied with a smile now all of them were confused ash and serena looked at each other , smiled and nodded and exclaimed in unison

"We are going to become parents! "



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