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Ash took out a pokeball and released the Pokemon in it, it was his pidgeot.

"Go around and look for an opening in the place that i can slip through , if you find one inform me"

With a nod, pidgeot flew away in the sky. Ash looked down the cliff he was standing on through his binoculars.

"Awww man.... It's gonna take a while.... "

Right now He was near the cave of reflections, the cave was surrounded by many people dressed in kalos's military uniform, which was obviously a facade to keep normal people and travellers out of the place, quite good of them to make another road for the travellers.

"Thanks for revealing everything to me before killing me Mr.T" Ash joked, well it indeed was foolish of the man to tell him all this, well he also didn't knew that ash would have a rebirth, reincarnation? Or whatever it is.

With Serena

"Serena can't you please tell us where ash sneaked off too?" Lance begged, with his hands joined together in front of serena.

"I've already told you uncle lance, I can't... "

"Serena try to understand! We have to be with him for his own safety, I know you wish for his safety too. Your concern is visible on your face, why can't you tell us?"

"I already said that he went for some work, and yes I'm concerned for his safety, but i trust his judgement. If he says he'll be fine, then he'll be fine"

"Grace please say something to her"

"Dear... " Grace placed her hand on Serena's shoulder, as if urging her to tell them about ash.

"Mom.. I'm sorry, but I won't. Ash asked me not to do so. So i can't tell you where he went to"

Lance's phone ringed, it was Ryan. Apparently be was searching for Ash's traces, and he barely found one.

"It's as if he had covered all his tracks, he was last going towards the direction of the cave of reflections, should I go and search in that direction?"

"Yes, do so Ryan" Lance cut the call, and looked toward serena and grace. "He was last seen going towards the cave of reflections"

Serena was putting up a strong front, but her hand ever so slightly flinched, and that was enough of a confirmation for lance. He pressed a button on the side of his watch, it was a walkie-talkie.

"Everyome gather up and get the cars ready"

"Yes sir!" Came the reply, lance let go of the button and looked at Serena. "I commend you for not giving in, and respecting Ash's wishes. It isn't as if we're gonna drag him back, or he is barred from going out, but if he's going out he should take us with him. I know very well that something known as privacy exists, but this is only for sometime. I hope you don't hold anything against us"

Serena shook her head sideways, "I won't."
'Ash knew that they will get him eventually,sorry ash I did my best to get you more time'

With ash.

Ash approached the guards standing near the barricade which blocked the cave's entrance. Ash was wearing a black bike mask, so only his brown eyes were visible, something suspicious indeed.

The 3 guards pointed their guns at ash, aiming down their sight. "This is a restricted area, entry isn't allowed"

"Whoa whoa! Calm down, just lower those guns. They're scaring me. I have no Ill intentions."

One of them looked at the other two and nodded, the two put their guns down.

"Well it's better than nothing."

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