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"It feels good just to be cuddling with you like this" Ash said as he hugged Serena from behind who was sitting on his lap.

"It really does" Serena said as she snuggled up more against him, she turned around in his grip and adjusted herself so she was sitting side ways on his lap, resting her head against him, while her hand gently caressed his pectorals.

Ash pressed softly kissed her on top of her golden hair, she looked up at him, smiled gently and leaned up and softly pressed her lips against his cheek.

"You wanna go somewhere today Rena? "

"Not really, I just feel like lazing around today. Hmmmm........How about we go and get some ice cream? I suddenly feel like eating it"

"Should we go right now?"

"Can I please cuddle with you a bit more? We can go later"

"As much as you please"

Ash said as her softly patted her on her head, serena just smiled in delight and snuggled up more to him.

"You look beautiful Rena"

"Thank you Ashy" Serena was wearing a long jeans along with a long sleeved top, the outfit was simple but it still looked beautiful on her.

Ash grabbed pulled her closer and softly kissed her on her lips. "Let's go, shall we?"

"How long had it been since we went on a bike ride?"

"The last...and the first time was on the day you gave me this pendant" Serena said as she placed her hand on the sylveon pendant she was wearing.

"Oh right... We've just been sitting in Cars after that.... How about I teach you to ride a bike?"

"Maybe some time later "

"So which one should we take today?" Ash asked.

"It's upto you, because I've no idea about the differences in them except for the looks"

"Hmmm, let me see....this'll do for now"

this'll do for now"

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Yamaha YZF R-1

Ash brought the bike out of the garage, Serena sat down behind him and held him from behind.
"Please don't tell me this thing also goes super fast"
"You'll just have to see"

"Oh no.... Ahhhh!!!!" Serena screamed as ash turned the throttle all the way, causing the bike to take off and gain speed in mere seconds.

"The day went by quick" Serena said as she sat down on the bed.

"It really did" Ash said as he laid down on the bed, while using serana's lap as his pillow. "Serena, there's some work I've to do tomorrow, will you please stay and wait for me to be back? We can go to that place after I'm home"

"Take your time, I'm not in a hurry. Okay? So just drive your bike safely"

"Thanks rena" Ash said,he turned his body around so that he was facing her body, and buried his face in he stomach"As I'm going out tomorrow you would be alone for most of the day, don't you think we can do something tonight?"

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