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"Well we will discuss about it later but first I wanted to tell you that me and grace are going to hoenn for a day Or two or maybe three"

"But why mom? " Ash asked

"It's for a meeting ash, and in that time maybe you can show serena around cameron, since she came here she's here at the castle only so maybe you two can go out and have some fun"

'Wait so would it be like a date? 'Serena thought as a little blush crept up on her face, but she quickly shook it off not wanting to get noticed

"Oh, ok so what about Gary" Ash asked

" Oh, yeah Prof. Oak is going to his old lab for some work and apparently he's taking gary with him"

Isabel approached them and said "Ms.Delia, the car is ready "

"Thank you isabel"

"Wait you're going right now? " Serena asked

"Yeah, I know it's all of a sudden but it's important, so take care of yourself ok dear" Grace said as she hugged serena and whispered her ear so that only serena can hear it"and enjoy your date with ash, okay? "

"M-mom, what do you mean"she asked in a startled voice

" Serena,I know you pretty well and anyway your blush gave it away,and i also have been at your place once ,anyway take care" she said as she pulled back from the embrace , luckily delia was saying something to ash so he luckily didn't notice her blush.

"bye kids " Delia said as they both walked away

"Bye Mom!, Ms.Grace"

"Bye Mom, Ms.Delia"

"Ash /Serena just drop the formalities" They both said at the same time, Grace to ash and Delia to Serena, after they were gone ash looked at Serena .


"Then What should I wear today delphox? "

Delphox was standing beside Serena in the walk in closet of her room, and she was picking out a dress to wear , she hadn't brought many of her dresses here so she was confused and the dress she was holding was the 4th dress delphox rejected.

I'm the end serena decided on short jeans and a white top with baby blue accents,she put on some prefume recalled her pokemons took her pink coloured purse with her and left her room , after a short walk she reached ash's room and knocked on the door, ash opened the door and asked

"You ready to go Serena?"

"Y-yeah" She said looking around for a distraction as she couldn't help but stare at him, despite being in normal jeans and a hoodie, he surely was looking handsome

Ash wasn't any better he eyed from top to bottom before shaking off any kind of thoughts from his head about her , 'oh god, what the hell is happening with me? '

"O-ok let's go "

"But how will we go? "

"You'll see"ash said as he stepped out of the room and turned his head back " Pikachu I'm going now make sure to do what I told you"


Ash took her too the garage there were many cars and bikes in there , serena knew he liked bike and cars but this was toooo much.

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