Chapter I

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Growing up, Zuko and Azula weren't the same as they seemed to the public, their friends, or even their family. To others, everyone assumed the siblings despised each other, they just couldn't get along.

They always fought, they always played too rough, and they always did nothing but either ignored each other or get under the other's skin. No one would have ever assumed the truth that...

Behind closed doors, in the dead of night. Small giggles and shushing could be heard if you listen close enough. "Shh! Azula! Someone will hear!" Zuko whisper-shouted as he brought his finger to his lips, trying to silence his little sister's giggles.

"You say that like you're not laughing yourself Zuzu! Didn't you see grandfather's face after father declared he should be the crown prince instead of dear old tea-loving uncle! He looked like a Badgerfrog!" Azula snickered as she covered her mouth to quiet her giggling, Zuko having to hold his breath to avoid laughing loudly. Azulon had called the family to display themselves to him, Azula and Zuko both showing their grandfather their bending skills while Azulon gave the news of Iroh's loss at Ba Sing Se and Lu Ten's death.

Though the children had only heard a small bit of their fathers and Azulon's conversation, they heard their father declare that he instead should take his place as the crown prince rather than Iroh, though they were pulled away before they could hear their grandfather's answer.

While Azula was ecstatic to hear that their father could be the next Fire Lord.

Zuko couldn't help the sinking and dreadful feeling that overcame him at such an idea.

"What do you think grandfather said to father though? After he made us leave?" Zuko asked while Azula shrugged.

"I don't know! Maybe I would've known if you would have let me snoop as I wanted instead of pulling me along to feed the turtleducks!" Azula giggled as she shoved her brother playfully, and Zuko grunted as he was pushed onto his back, Azula then fell on top of him causing the boy to grunt again as the air was knocked out of him.

"Oh, you would have just gotten us both in trouble! Besides, it probably was something boring! Besides you like the turtleducks, admit it!" Zuko chuckled as he laid back and let his sister get comfortable on his chest.

"Still, now I'm curious, do you think father would tell us if we asked?" Azula questioned while Zuko sighed.

"Don't even joke like that Azula, you know father wouldn't ever tell us anything. He would just get angry at us for asking." Zuko sighed while Azula pouted at her brother's answer.

Though both kids immediately sprang up when they heard hurried footsteps approaching Zuko's room. "Azula quick! Hide in the closet!" Zuko hissed as he helped Azula off of his bed and hurried the girl to his closet.

"Zuzu!" Azula hissed as she looked back at her brother, only for Zuko to shush her as he opened the closet door and pushed her inside, motioning for her to stay quiet as he ran back to his beds and dove under the covers, pretending to be asleep while Azula watched as the hooded figure entered her brother's room.

A hand gently touches Zuko's shoulder. The boy flinches slightly, only to turn his head and see his mother's tear-stained face. "Mom?" Zuko asked quietly while he desperately tried not to look over at his closet and give away Azula's location.

"Zuko, please, my love, listen to me. Everything I've done, I've done to protect you. But listen to me. You must protect your sister. You are all she has now." Ursa begged as she pulled her son up and hugged him tightly, Zuko staring at his closet wide-eyed, while he could see Azula's golden irises practically glowing in the dark.

"Mom, what-." Zuko tried only to cut himself off when Ursa let him go and back away.

"Remember this, Zuko. No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are. Never forget what you do for the ones you love. Never forget your loyalty." Ursa begged as she pulled up her hood while a few tears fell from her eyes as she ran away down the dark hallway.

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