Chapter XXIV

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Sokka and Zuko lay in their shared sleeping bag, both fast asleep with Zuko's head resting on Sokka's chest while the Alpha has his face buried in Zuko's hair, though at the sound of something landing harshly right in front of where they slept, Sokka shot up immediately, drawing his sword from where he kept it at his side while Zuko was pulled along with him, glaring at whatever landed in front of them.

Only for the two to stare at Aang confusedly and groggily as the boy bounced on his heels excitedly, grinning widely. "Aang, is everything okay?" Sokka questioned while Aang nodded quickly.

"Zuko, can you teach me firebending!? Please!?" Aang begged as he kneeled next to Zuko, while the man stared at the boy groggily before rubbing his eyes and groaning.

"Why now all of a sudden?" Zuko questions while Aang shrugs.

"Well, I was busy learning earthbending and waterbending before, and then you uh..." Aang went to continue, only to notice the expression on Sokka's face, it was a clear warning to be careful of what he said. Aang cleared his throat sheepishly as he focused his attention back on Zuko.

"But can you teach me now!? Please?!" Aang begged while Zuko nodded and left Sokka's side, following after Aang while Sokka yawned and stretched before he too left the sleeping bag and went off.

Zuko and Aang stand on the balcony of an upside-down pagoda in the temple.

"I know you're nervous, but remember, firebending in it of itself is not something to fear." Zuko starts while Aang sighs heavily.

"Okay. Not something to fear." Aang recites.

"But if you don't respect it, it'll chew you up and spit you out like an angry komodo rhino!" Zuko raises his voice while Aang yelps in fear.

"Now show me what you've got. Any amount of fire you can make." Zuko commands. Aang inhales nervously and tries to firebend. A small cloud of smoke appears and is dissipated.

"Maybe I need a little more instruction. Perhaps a demonstration?" Aang questions while Zuko nods.

"Good idea. You might wanna take a couple of steps back." Zuko walks forward while Aang walks back, the man inhales deeply. Zuko grunts and punches, which lets out a very small flame. Aang applauds at this display.

Zuko takes a step back, in shock. "What was that? That was the worst firebending I've ever seen!" The Omega berates himself.

"I thought it was... nice." Aang smiles slightly and shrugs.

Zuko grunts again and tries firebending again, with all three attempts resulting in very small flames similar to the first. He grunts and looks at his palms.

"Why is this happening?" Zuko questions himself, frustrated.

Aang rubs his head, confused. "Maybe it's the altitude."

Zuko turns back and sighs. "Yeah, could be."

Aang sits on a broken pillar and Zuko stands. The Omega attempts firebending, which results in a similar small flame again. He grunts and delivers another similar blast, as Aang yawns and lies down on the pillar.

"Just breathe, and..." He delivers another blast with no improvement.

"That one kind of felt hot." Aang tries to reassure the man as he gets up.

"Don't patronize me! You know what it's supposed to look like!" Zuko shouts, frustrated while Aang laughs nervously.

"Sorry, Sifu Hotman." Aang chuckles sheepishly.

Zuko raises his arms to his head, and throws them down back, and shouts in frustration, as Aang cringes. "And stop calling me that! Where on earth did you learn that!?" Zuko questions as he turns back to face Aang, while the young Alpha only shrugs.

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