Chapter XVI

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A body of water, a small ferry cruising through the ocean. The head of a large sea lion emerges from the water and the creature is shown to be pulling the boat. Azula, who is leaning her back against a railing with her arms crossed, and Ty Lee, who is looking out in front of them.

"I'm so excited to spend the weekend on Ember Island." Ty Lee cheers as she hops over to Azula while Zuko and Mai sit on a bench behind the two girls.

"It's going to be great to hang out on the beach and do nothing." Ty Lee giggles as she places her hands behind her head, imitating a relaxed position.

"Doing nothing is a waste of time." Zuko hisses frustratedly as he rises from his seat next to Mai.

"We're being sent away on a forced vacation." The man grunts as he walks over and grips the railing of the boat.

"I feel like a child." The firebender groans as he looks out at the water before immediately having to turn around and walk back to the bench, sitting next to Mai once again before the scent of the sea got to him once more.

"Lighten up. So, Dad wants to meet with his advisers alone, without anyone else around. Don't take it personally." Azula shrugs, though she looks over the rail quickly to see what it was that made her brother retreat so quickly, only to find nothing but the waves rocking against the boat.

"Doesn't your family have a house on Ember Island?" Ty Lee questions.

Azula turns her head toward Ty Lee. "We used to come every summer when we were kids." Azula smiles nostalgically.

"That must have been fun!" Ty Lee grins.

"That was a long time ago," Zuko mutters under his breath, the memory seems so far away to him. Though, that's how most of his memories seemed now. Losing three years of his life, his entire identity, and having nothing to truly show for it except a grand tail that his sister told proudly. And yet he couldn't recall even a glimpse of it.

Various charming houses on Ember Island's shore are seen, many elegant-looking. The boat moves toward the dock while Lo and Li stand on the docks and wait for the group of teenagers and the adults.

"Welcome to Ember Island, kids!" Lo and Li cheer in unison while the smallest of the beach houses stand behind them and the gang looks on, disappointed.

Inside the house, Ty Lee looks around at the interior while Azula stands at her side and looks around slowly, analyzing every detail of the house while Mai and Zuko stand behind the teenagers.

"It smells like an old lady in here," Zuko whispers.

"Gee, I wonder why," Mai whispers back sarcastically.

Ty Lee then inspects a painting of two young women in yellow bikinis posing back-to-back. Lo and Li approach. "Who are these two beautiful women?" Ty Lee questions while Lo and Li move to stand in front of the painting.

"Can't you tell?" Lo questions as they both imitate the painting.

"It's Lo and me." Li states.

"It's Li and me," Lo states at the same time as Li.

Everyone looks at them, disturbed. Zuko covers his mouth with his hand, about to vomit. Though after the disturbing scene, the gang comes across a bed with a pink sea shell bedspread, and Ty Lee lies down on it.

"Ooh, I love the seashell bedspread." Ty Lee giggles as she rubs the pillow admiringly.

"Are you serious? It looks like the beach threw up all over it." Mai questions as she cringes at the bright pink design.

Lo and Li then enter while Ty Lee sits up on the bed and Lo and Li stand to the left of Zuko, Mai, and Azula. "We know you're upset that you were forced to come here this weekend." Li states.

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