Yoonkook pt. 3

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one week after coming back to korea:
it's already been a weak since they came back to Korea. they have stated their schedule and everyone was busy doing their work.

meanwhile Jungkook was due to an injection but he was too scared to take it.
the manager had booked an appointment for him for the upcoming afternoon and was having a panic attack before hand.
it was really hard for him to go by himself as the members where busy by themselves so he had to go to the hospital alone and that caused his heart to ache. he had his appointment in two hours and had to do some practices before going to the hospital but all he could do was to stress over the appointment and was not having a good time.

since the last time he took the injection, he had felt so much better. he wasn't experiencing the symptoms anymore and he wouldn't get tired as soon as he started working out. it was all because of that injection he had that night. it felt good being okay again but the problem was that he was afraid of that stupid injection and that he had to get there all alone, at least yoongi hyung was there last time he took it. it felt really strange. he wished he could get through it as soon as possible.

it was 12 in the afternoon and he had his appointment booked at 12:30. at first he thought of not going there but was frustrated of how the manager would think of him. so he decided to go even though his heart was telling him not to.
time skip

it was 12:25 and he was having his appointment in 5 minutes. he was heading to the emergency entry. when he opened the glass door, he heard a voice from his back.
"how can I help you sir?" there was a nurse.
"um... I'm having an appointment" he tried not to sound nervous.
"okay, you'll need to fill in a form for that" she said.
"yeah s-sure"
then the nurse gave him the form and a pen.
"let me know when you're finished, then you can sit there and I'll call your name when everything is ready"
"o-okay" he tried to calm himself down but it was of no use.
when he was done filling in the form he turned it back to the nurse and seated waiting for his name to be called.

all he could do was to wait. he was feeling even more nervous. it was really crowded. there were many kids crying. he saw a baby girl getting a shot in her arm and crying her heart out. it broke his heart.
"Jeon Jungkook"
after a few minutes the nurse called out.
"yes?... that's me" he said.
"you can go in now, the right corridor, the room number 231" the nurse told him.
"thank y-you ma'am" he could feel his heart beat loud in his chest.
"just relax, nothing will happen" he told himself.
so he got up and gathered all his courage. he could see a door labeled "no. 231"
he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
"come in" came a sweet voice.
he grabbed and twisted the door knob.
"hello doctor" he said. trying not to sound nervous.
"hi buddy" the doctor said. he was removing his gloves. there was a shot on the tray. he tried not to look at that stupid thing and looked away immediately.
the doctor washed his hands on the sink and turned back to look at Jungkook.

"you have to be Jeon Jungkook" he said looking at his files.
"yes I am" he said, his voice bearly audible.
"and why are you here for?"
"... to have my regular check-up" his heart skipped a beat.
"right! can you please hop up the examination table for me?"
"oh my goodness, it has already started... I don't think I can do it" he told himself. It was really embarrassing. he tried to take some deep breathes but it seemed it was impossible.
the doctor didn't say anything, instead was waiting for him patiently. he could understand that Jungkook was nervous.

"don't worry about anything, I'm here to help you. you don't have to be ashamed of this. I can help you get rid of that hmm?"
Jungkook wasn't having it. he just wanted it to be over.
"I-I'm sorry I'm..." he couldn't even finish his sentence.
"it's okay, everything is okay" he got up and walked towards the chair Jungkook was seated on. he put his hands on Jungkook's shoulders and massaged them for some minutes.
Jungkook felt relaxed a bit.
"thank you doctor" he said.
"are you feeling better?"
"yes thank you"

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