Taehyung was checking on some of his patients wife while he heard Jungkook screaming from the kitchen.
he hurried his way down to the kitchen to see what has happened.
Jungkook was whimpering."ahhh" he groaned.
Taehyung saw Jungkook clenching on his left index finger, but he didn't take a glimpse of it as his back was facing him.he quickly grabbed a gauze and took Jungkook's hand in his, wrapping it around his finger. Jungkook groaned in pain.
"what did you do?" he asked, sternly.
he took a look around, a chpping board, a knife, blood, groceries, blood and more blood.a tear left Jungkook's eye, if it was out of fear or panic, Taehyung didn't know.
Taehyung was putting pressure onto his finger as for it to stop bleeding.
he didn't know how deep the cut was.the guaze was soon covered in blood, Taehyung helped him to take a sit and relax for a bit.
"press on it, I'll be going upstairs to bring my medical bag. I'll be back in a moment"
so he left Jungkook alone in the kitchen. Jungkook himself was afraid of what has happened to his finger, what has he done?
he was just cooking the dinner for Taehyung, and himself, as Taehyung did not a good job taking care of his health. he spent his time in the hospital, and spent the rest of the day at home checking his patients' file. Jungkook was only trying to make sure that he's eating healthily but here he is, clenching his hand, not even daring to look at his finger.
it hurt a lot and it didn't stop bleeding.
he was getting worried.at that very moment, Taehyung entered the kitchen, he was carrying his medical bag.
he sat beside him.
"Jungkook, baby... let me take a look at your finger" he said, patting his hand.
Jungkook was not ready for this moment, so instead he turned his face not to look at the scene in front of him.
Taehyung unwrapped the bloody guaze with utmost care to take a look at his finger, Jungkook hissed.
Taehyung's eyes widened, it indeed was a deep cut.
"is it... bad?" Jungkook asked.
"there's no need to worry" was all Taehyung said.
he dabbed a cotton dipped in antiseptic on the wound, it finally stopped bleeding so Taehyung could take a closer look on the spot.
he pulled the skin sideways, which resulted in Jungkook letting out a scream.
"please... don't do that" Jungkook said in between the hiccups.
"I think we may need to go to the hospital" Taehyung said.
"is it serious?" Jungkook let out.
"you need stitches"
Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed.
"it's serious Jungkook..., we will need to get there as soon as possible"
so they left the house to go to the hospital.as soon as they reached the hospital, Taehyung reported the case to the nurse and instructed a booster tetanus shot which she brought in a few minutes.
Taehyung helped him getting into an operating room-like office.
a nurse entered the room, giving a metal tray to Taehyung.Taehyung tore open the syringe package, and attached the needle on top. he drew up the required amount of the medicine into the syringe, flickering the syringe.
he rolled the way to Jungkook on his weeled stools, he dipped a cotton on alcohol and told Jungkook to sit straight.
"kook baby, the medicine is painful, you may feel your muscles clenching as I administrate the medicine, so all I need you to do is to relax and take deep breaths" he told Jungkook as he rubbed the alcohol-dipped cotton on his upper arm.Taehyung knew that Jungkook wasn't afraid of injections or vaccination at all, but he needed to know.
Taehyung uncapped the needle and got a firm hold on Junkook's upper arm.
"take a deep breath for me love"
Jungkook closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
Taehyung inserted the needle in one go and released his skin with his another hand.
he started pushing down the plunger, injecting the medicine. Jungkook drew in a sharp breath and hissed.
"ah it stings"
"I know, take a deep breath. it's almost done" he said comfortingly.
"and it's done" he said after a few moments, pulling the needle out, pressing the cotton ball on the site."it's done" he said again.
after massaging the spot, he threw the cotton into the bin and got up.
he wore medical gloves, and tore open another pack of syringe.
"is there another one?" Jungkook asked.
"no, it's lidocaine" he said while pushing the liquid into the syringe.
"what it is?" Jungkook asked, this time more confused.
"it'll numb the spot as I do the stitches" he turned back to face him.
"don't you worry at all, it will numb the spot fully, you won't feel the pain at all" he said caressing his hand."I've never gotten stitches" Jungkook said.
"it's needed... I know you may not feel comfortable but I have to do it. trust me, it'll be done in a few minutes"
"how many stitches do I need?"Jungkook asked hesitantly.
Taehyung took a closer look at the cut.
"maybe ten"
he sighed."I need you to close your eyes, I'm sure you don't want to see it" Taehyung said, uncapping the needle.
Taehyung got a hold on Jungkook's left index finger in case he flinches or threw his hand.
"a deep breath... shhhh"
he swiftly inserted the needle into his finger, injecting a little amount of the medicine under his skin.
"ahh it stings Tae"
"it's the medicine that stings, it'll be over soon"
Taehyung pulled the needle out, and inserted the needle again. this time earning a groan from Jungkook.
he again injected the burning medicine under his skin.
"it hurts"
"just a few more... I'm so sorry"
he pulled out the needle again and repeated the process until all the medicine was fully injected and the plunger hit the end.
"it's over, we will have to wait for it to kick in. then we will go for the stitches. that's enough for now" he said and wrapped another guaze around his finger.he kissed Jungkook's forehead.
"I promise you'll be okay"