Jungkook + yuji pt.2

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he tore a pack of syringe and attached an 18 guage needle, just to draw up the medicine. he broke the neck of a strile water ampoule and draw up 2 cc of it into the syringe. he then pushed the strile water into the ampicillin container and mixed the medicine altogether. he pushed back the plunger and the medicine was fully back into the syringe once more.
after that, he reconstituted the medicine with 1% lidocaine, just to make sure the process wont be painful for her.
he then tore a 25 guage needle, removed the 18" one, and attached it on top as the needle must be long enough so that it will reach deep into the muscle. the 25 gauge needle is to cause the least pain while being inserted, but the medicine is thick, it is to cause a severe pain, especially for a 6 year-old baby.
it wasn't the first time he was going to administrate a shot to her, he had done all the vaccines for her, but not an antibiotic one.

hearing the bathroom door open, he sat the syringe aside.
yuji went into her room to bring her pillow and blanket.
"I'm here dada"
"oh... you are here baby" he smiled.
"baby, papa wants to tell you something"
"a story?" she said, excited.
"no, that's not it. papa wants to make sure if his baby is okay. so I'm going to give you a shot"
"a shot?" she screamed.
"look baby, it'll be done in a few seconds"
she ran towards the door, closing the door behind her.
"cute" he smiled.
he walked towards the door, opening it he could see that she was hiding behind the curtain.
"yuji-ah where are you baby?"
"no dada, I don't want a shot. I don't like doctor dada"
"I love you baby" he said laughing.
he quickly ran behind the curtain and hugged her.
"so you were hiding here" he said, kissing his forehead but she threw her hands on him.
"dada" she said, her voice cracked.
"yeah baby?"
"I don't want a shot, it'll hurt" she said in between her crys.
Jungkook's heart shattered into pieces.
the thing was that she needed to take an injection of 500 mg apmicillin sodium every 12 hours for 3-4 days.
"papa is really sorry, it will make you feel better" he wiped her tears with his thumb.
"you trust dada?" he asked.
she nodded.
"you just need to count from one to ten while I do the shot, you won't feel much pain, I promise"
she didn't say anything.
"will you count for me?"
"it'll hurt"
"I know baby, but you are dad's strong angel, I know you can do it. I'll be really gentle"
he slowly started walking towards the bedroom.
"where do you want to get it?" he asked her.
"I don't even want to get it dada"
he helped her to lay on the bed.
"just lie there on your stomach baby"
"dada" she said, crying again.
"shhh... calm down baby, its just a little shot, I'll do it fast"
Jungkook got the syringe and an alcohol swab out of his bag. he sat them on the nightstand.
he pulled down her pants on one side, she was clenching and unclenching her muscles.
"yuji baby relax your muscles"
"I'm scared dada" she said, flinching at his touch.
Jungkook gently hit her butt with the palm of his hand.
"relax baby, I can not do it while you are this tensed up"
he put her right leg under her left leg, as it'd help her muscles relax.
"yuji-ah I want you to relax your muscles, I swear it will hurt much more if you're not relaxed"
she was a crying mess by then.
Jungkook didn't pay much attention and tore the alcohol swab open.
he rubbed the swab high on her hip.
she again, flinched at his touch.
"dadaaaa" she screamed.
"yuji-ah baby take a deep breath for me, and relax your leg" he repeated.
"I don't want it, I hate you dada"
she turned back, adjusting her clothes.
she was trying to get up, when Jungkook made her lie again.
"you are making me angry yuji"
"I told you I don't want it" she said innocently.
"look yuji, there are many babies, even newborns that I give them their vaccines or injections if it's needed. there are babies much younger than you that would recive the injection bravely, don't make me angry, lie down on your stomach. it'll be done in less than 10 seconds. I won't lie to you, it'll hurt, but only for a few seconds. it will make you feel much better. now, lie down for me and relax. I'm so tired alredy"
she slowly lied on the bed, not daring to say anything.
"that's my baby"
he again pulled her pants down and rubbed the alcohol swab on her right buttcheek.
he kissed the back of her head.
"I'll be gentle, don't worry. I want you to take some steady deep breaths. relax your muscles and trust me"

he removed the cap of the needle and flicked the syringe.
he massaged his leg for a few seconds so she wasn't tensed up.
"now count baby" he said, taking the syringe in 90 degrees, he got a firm hold on her leg in case she flinches.
then, he swiftly inserted a needle, like a dart in one go.
"owiii" she screamed.
"count baby"
Jungkooked pushed the plunger backwards to make sure the needle hasn't hit a vein, and started injecting the medicine really slowly.
he helped her count, distracting her attention from the pain, he was slowly massaging the spot, earning a few scream from the baby.
"take it out dada" she said crying.
he injected the last few drops of the medicine and pulled out the needle, soon after the plunger hit the end, before reaching the number "7"
"that's it baby, its over my strong angel"
he massaged the spot with the cotton dipped in an ointment afterwards.
he then adjusted her pants and hepled her sit.
"it hurts, it hurts a lot dada" a tear left her eye.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through this. the pain will be all gone when you wake up in the morning. now you need to take rest"
he left the room to dispose the used needles and syringe.
he washed his hands and went back into the room.
he snuggled her up in his lap and planted a kiss on top of his head.
"sweat dreams my angel"

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