Yoonmin pt.6

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hello everyone,
sorry for not uploading for this long.
I'd been dealing with a nasty ear infection and was prescribed to have two rocephin and some steroid injections. I took one today in my butt intramuscularly. it burnt A LOT while administrating, my leg is sore, but it was worth the pain. I'm feeling much better now.
I uploaded the last part of the yoonmin story as the same happened for me.
I'll be working on your requests as soon as I feel better. I hope you enjoy it.
I have to take another rocephin injection tomorrow.
I don't want it~
pray for me
I love you
and enjoy

I stretched my hands and grabbed the last file I was going to read that night, it was around 7 p.m. and I was already dealing with extreme boredom.
I heard a knock on the door.
"come in"
"can I call the patient in?"
"the patient?"I said, wondering who it may be in this hour. I visit patients only in mornings. anyway, I had a patients and I can't let them go.
"call them in" I told the nurse.
"you can come in" I heard the nurse say.

"hi hyung..."
I quickly looked at him, it was Jimin.
"hello Jiminah" I got up.
"take a sit, tell me how are you feeling?" I sat on a stool, in front of him.
he coughed.
"I'm fine... a lot better"
"good to hear... go sit on the examination table, I'm gonna need to make sure the medication is working hmm?" I told him.
I got my stethoscope and walked towards the table.
"have you been taking your pills on time?" I asked him.
he nodded.
I put the stethoscope on his chest and asked him to take deep breaths.
I could hear his heart beating rapidly.
I massaged his shoulders for a while.

"open up" I said, while getting hold of the tounge depressor.
I lit the torch and put my hand under his chin.
there was still some red swellings at the back of his throat but it was way better than his last visit.
"there are still some red swellings at the back of your throat, but it'll be gone in a few days." I told him.
"hyung...?" he called.
he sounded worried.
"I... haven't got the shot today..."
"you didn't?"
why didn't he? I clreary remember that I told him there's no way he can skip the medication.
"Jimin... there's no way you can get better without taking the injections daily" I said in a stern tone.
"you just got there to tell me that you haven't got the injection today?" I was getting angry with his attitude.

"don't get angry with me hyung... the nurse said he could not come to give me the shot today... I just came here... so you can give me the shot... please?"
how stupid I was.
here he is to ask for my help and I just got angry with him.
I sighed.
"I'm sorry"
I was totally ashamed by my own behavior.
"I'm sorry I got angry with you... I'll gonna get the required things. you wait here"
I told him and left the room.

I went into the room where all the medicine is kept.
I grabbed a metal tray and got a rocephin container out of the refrigerator.
I grabbed a 3cc syringe, an 18 and and a 21 1.5" guage needle.
I then got a container of lidocaine too. the antibiotic dosage has lessened to 1 gram of rocephin, but it is highly recommended to be administrated with 1%  reconstituted lidocaine to minimize the discomfort.

I returned back to my room, Jimin was sitting on the examination table, bouncing his feet back and forth.
I walked to the back of the room where it is covered with curtains.
I tore the syringe package and attached the 18 guage needle, as the needle is thick and it is to draw up the medicine with.
I inserted the needle into the rocephin container and drew up the 2cc/1 gram of it into the syringe.
I then reconstituted the liquid with a 1% lidocaine which I drew up into the syringe after the medicine.

"how many shots am I taking tonight?" he asked.
"one... just the antibiotic one" I said as I was tearing open the package of the another needle.
"that's the last antibiotic shot, I'll have you on oral medicine from tomorrow"
I attached the 21 guage 1.5" needle on top of the syringe.

I got an alcohol swab and walked towards the examination table.
Jimin was still sitted on the bed.
"can you please lie down on your stomach Jimin?" I asked.
he slowly lied on his stomach.
I pulled down his pants, just enough for me to inject.
"ah hyung"
"trust me, it's not as painful as the last injections...now please relax for me... don't tense up your muscles"
"ah...hyung I don't want it" he pled.
"I know Jiminah... but this is the last one. I promise you'll never have to go through this again... hmm?"
Jimin sighed.
"can I proceed?" I asked.
"please be gentle hyung"
my heart shattered into pieces.
"I always am"
he fisted the pillow in anticipation of the upcoming pain.

I tore open the alcohol swab and rubbed it on his left butt.
I uncapped the needle, flicked the syringe and pushed the plunger to get rid of any air bubbles. a few drops of the light yellow liquid oozed out.
I then stimulated his sensory nerves by putting a light pressure on his muscle with my hand. as the needle has to be inserted deep into the muscle, when the sensory nerve is involved, he won't even feel the needle being inserted into his muscle.

so after that, I inserted the needle into his muscle. I aspirated the syringe to make sure I haven't hit a vein. no blood was pushed into the syringe so I slowly started to push down the medicine.
he hissed. he fisted the pillow even harder but didn't say anything.
I took the alcohol swab in my hand and rubbed it on round motions while injecting the medicine with the other. it helps the medicine to absorb properly.

"ahhh take it out hyung"
it stings while administrating and it stings even more while absorbing.
"it's almost over"
I pushed the plunger one last time and pressed the alcohol swab on the spot right before I pulled out the needle.
"it's over" I informed.
"ahhh it hurts" he said, massaging the spot.
"it's all over now Jiminah"
I left to dispose of the needles. I washed my hands and turned back to face him.
"it was the last one... you'll never have to go through this again"
I helped him adjusting his pants and he sat on the table.
we talked for a few minutes, and he left by 7:30.
I too was so overwhelmed and left the office shortly after him.

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