Yoonmin pt.4

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hello there!
double update ~2500+ words today.
please let me know if you want me to write a pt.6 for this story or do you want me to start a new one?
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it was around 9 when I reached Jimin's home. I got out of my car.
Jimin's house is not far from mine. it's a 10-minutes-ride. after getting out of the car, I pulled the rug and stretched my hand to get the keys. I unlocked the door and tiptoed to the kitchen.
I placed the sandwiches on the kitchen counter and headed to his room.

it was peak dark. I tried not to make any sound so as not to wake the sick boy up.I just turned on the nightstand lamp and touched his forehead and then gasped when my cold hand came into contact with his hot skin. he flinched and slowly opened his eyes.
"it's me"
I sat beside him on the bed.

"Jimin how are you feeling?" I put my hand on his back and helped him got up.
"when did you get here hyung?" he asked refusing to answer my question.
"I just got here, how are you feeling?" I repeated. he looked at me in the eye, his eyes showing a sign of fear.
"are you ok? you're making me worried. is there anything you want to tell me?"
he looked down to his feet.
"did you by any chance bring your medical bag with you?"
"of course I did! what do you mean?"
I'm worried about his health and here he is wondering if I've brought up my medical box. of course I did. there's no way I'd let him out of this antibiotic course.

I tried to  take some deep breaths to calm my nerves and got up to bring a sandwich from the kitchen counter.
after bringing in the sandwiches, I came back to his room.
"I made you two sandwiches. please have some" I stretched my hand and gave him the sandwiche.
"but hyung... I've totally lost my appetite...I can't..." I didn't even let him finish the sentence.
"you need to eat Jimin. your body has  weekend and there is an antibiotic course you need to take. you'll pass out on an empty stomach" I patiently explained for him.

he finally took a bite and I sat on the floor looking at him.
"you have to take an extra care of your body Jimin. I got the results and you're  positive for strep throat. Im serious... it's as infectious as you think it is. you have to take all your medicine on time. there is no way I'll give you on an oral antibiotic for now. we are going for a shot of antibiotic everyday for 5 days, alongside with an injection of multivitamin for 3 days. after completing the course, I'll decide if I'll have you on oral medicines or not. you also have to take some capsules so you're body can fight off the infection" I explained all in a firm tone so he knows that there is no way he can skip the shots.

"but hyung..." he said while chewing on the sandwich.
"Jimin I want you to co-operate. it's all about your health and there's nothing more important than your health to me. I want you to feel healthy again. it's really serious. have your sandwich and we'll go for the shots after" I got up and took the thermometer out of my bag. I held the thermometer at the back of his neck and waited for it to bip.
"101... it's as bad as it was"
I decided I'll be doing an antibiotic test while he's eating his sandwich so I took the rocephin container, a pack of insulin syringe and needle out of my bag.
"wait hyung you told me we'll go for it after I'm finished eating" he said hesitantly.
"yeah I know I said that"
he pointed at the needle in my hand.
"it's an antibiotic test"
"I had already enough of tests" he let out.
"it's an antibiotic test. the doctor will do the test whenever you have to receive the shot. I'm just going to insert a little amount of the medicine under your skin so we'll see if you're allergic to the antibiotics. if yes we'll go for another medication"

after pushing the medicine into the syringe, I tapped it to get rid of any air bubbles in it. I got up and sat beside him on the bed.
as I was sitting down, I felt a burning sensation in my right leg. I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a groan.
"are you ok hyung?"
I sat on the bed.
"yes it's just my back... it hurts... I've been working since 8 in the morning, so it's nothing too serious" I lied. he doesn't need to know that I just had a penicillin 800 injection. I could feel the sting of the medicine as it was absorbing.

"please give me your hand" I said.
he gave me his left arm hesitantly.
"don't worry, it's not that painful. the medicine itself burns, but it'll be over in a few seconds"
I tore open the alcohol swab. when I was going to rub the swab on the crook of his elbow, he threw his hand.

"I'm sorry"
I felt really bad for him, but I can't just let my guards down. if he's doing this with a small insulin needle, there's no way I can administrate the thick burning recephin down his muscle.
"do you trust me?" I asked him.
he nodded.
"so please give me your hand and close your eyes for me"
this time, I rubbed the alcohol swab and in a swift motion inserted the needle under his skin. Jimin was holding onto the pillow while I pushed the plunger and injected  the mecicine.
"I know Jimin... it'll be done in a few seconds...and it's done" I pulled the needle out and pressed the site with the alcohol swab.
"so we'll have to wait for 15 minutes. please take a rest for now"
he lied down on the bed and rested for a while. I'll have to make sure that he's not allergic to the antibiotics...
I wish he hasn't have to go through all this.

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