Taehyung slowly opened his eyes. he looked around. he was still at the hospital.
"Jiminah?" he called, he was not there. did he leave already?
"Jiminah?" he got up to look for him.
at the same time Jimin entered the room.
"yaa! I thought you left!"
"how can I leave?" he mimicked Taehyung. they both laughed.
"where were you?"
"I was talking to the doctor, he has gotten your blood test results" he said.
Taehyung's heart skipped a beat."oh...?"
"don't worry, you're just deficient for some vitamins"
"so what should I do...? will I be discharged tonight?"
"I don't know" he lied, he had already talked to the doctor. Taehyung needs to take a shot and a lot more tablets, but he was not going to tell him. at least not now.
"I'll go inform the doctor that you're awake. he said he needs to check up on you"after a few minutes the doctor came.
Taehyung sat on the bed.
"hi..." he said.
"how are you feeling? are you feeling any better?" the doctor asked.
"yes... I am"
"great, please hop on the bed I'll check your stomach really quickly"
but Taehyung was feeling a slight pain in his upper stomach. he knew well if he told the doctor, he would force him to have medicine. so since he didn't like to take medicine, he tried to fake it, not showing any reaction when the doctor pressed on some particular spots on his stomach.at first it was easy to hold it in. but as the doctor pressed onto his middle stomach he let out a "ah" which didn't go unnoticed by the doctor.
"so it's still hurting?" he said.
"oh.... um... not that much"
"but your reaction says something else"
oh he was in a big trouble.
"Teahyungah is it hurting anywhere? tell the doctor. he's here to help you" Jimin said."anyway... I got your blood test results. you've been consuming too much caffeine, right?"
he didn't say anything. he has consumed more caffeine than he should, he knew that well.
"you have vitamin b and c deficiency. vitamin b deficiency can be treated by tablets which I'll prescribe for you. make sure to stay hydrated. and for the vitamin c deficiency you need to take the injection, one every month until it's not needed anymore. and as you have chronic stomach pain you'll need to receive a painkiller too. I'll have you on oral medicines from tomorrow, but for now we're going for the injection" the doctor said.Jimin looked at Taehyung. he knew that Taehyung was afraid of shots so he locked his hand with Taehyung's and squeezed it without saying anything.
"isn't there any alternative medicine?" Jimin asked.
"oral medicines are not as effective as injections, he'll be feeling better soon" the doctor says, tearing open a pack of syringe. the needle was thick and the syringe was large, Jimin felt bad for him.he looked at Taehyung just to watch him shiver in fear, his chest moving up and down rapidly.
"I don't think I can do it..." Taehyung said.
"lie down on your stomach please" the doctor was ruining everything, he literally messed up. Taehyung was feeling more and more nervous, he was at the edge of having a panic attack.
"we'll be back" Jimin told the doctor who was flicking the syringe to get rid of any air bubbles.
"let's go out" Jimin reached to hold taehyung's hand.
"outside" he said.Jimin held Taehyung's hand, they got out of the hallway and sat on a bench.
"breath Taehyung, you're safe now" he said.
he put his hand on taehyung's chest. his heart was beating fast... really fast.
"relax... breath in... and breath out"
"that's it, you're doing great"
he was feeling better after getting out of that room."Jiminah" Taehyung said after a few minutes, breaking the silence.
"I d-don't want to take those shots..." he finally let out.
"I know you don't like shots, even I don't like them. but think about that... you'll be feeling better by tomorrow, I know you don't like it, I know that it hurts... but I'm sure you can do it. It's just a way of getting medicines into your body hmm?"
"but it penetrates my skin oh I really don't like it" he pouted.
"it does but it will be done in few seconds..."
"what do you do when you have to take a shot?" he asked Jimin.
"I honestly don't remember the last time when I got an injection... but I got two vaccines last month, one in arm and on in thigh... I'm also not a fan of needles but I tried taking deep breaths and relaxing my muscles"
"weren't you nervous?"
"I was... I really was but I tried distracting my mind, I just focused on the posters around the room when the doctor was giving me the shots" Jimin explained.
"did that work?"
"yes indeed"
Taehyung had many more questions to ask but he was ashamed of being scared of a needle, so he threw all his thoughts away.
"are you feeling better?" Jimin asked.
"yes I am"
he let out a sigh of relief.
"so shall we go inside?"
"no" Taehyung said.
"come on, I'm here with you. It'll be fine. I promise" he reached out.
in few moments Taehyung got up and they headed back to the room.Jimin knocked on the door. the doctor was still there.
"so you're here" the doctor said.
"now lie on your stomach please"
"lie down Taehyungah" Jimin said, sitting on the chair beside the bed. Taehyung lied down and put his hands under his head looking at Jimin worridly.
"it'll be fine" Jimin mouthed.
the doctor came, with a metal tray which he later sat aside.
"give me your hand... I'm feeling nervous " Taehyung said to jimin.
Jimin started patting his head.
"don't worry too much"the doctor pulled down taehyung's pant till half of his tush was out.
"just close your eyes and take some deep breaths" Jimin told him.
the doctor rubbed the alcohol swab on his muscle.
Jimin could feel Taehyung tense up.
"relax your muscles, it will hurt even more if you're not fully relaxed"
the doctor removed the needle cap and discharged some drops of the medicine.
even Jimin was feeling nervous but instead he squeezed taehyung's hand for assurance.
the doctor jabbed the needle without saying anything which was really unprofessional of him.
Taehyung flinched and tensed up his muscles."I'll have to remove and re-inject the needle if you are not going to relax" he warned. he was surly making him more afraid than he already was.
the doctor plunged the thick liquid down his muscle. Jimin was feeling sad for him.Taehyung was grabbing the edge of the bed chewing on his lip not to make any sound.
"it's okay Taehyungah, you've got this. Just relax and it'll be over" Jimin told him.Taehyung screamed out of the trashing pain.
"take it out. I can not bear the pain anymore" he said between his screams.
the doctor was still plunging the liquid, he didn't pay much attention to what Taehyung said. when the medicine was fully injected he took out the needle, put the alcohol swab and massaged the spot.
"ow oww"
"one is done" Jimin said.
"b-but I don't want another one" he almost cried.
"it's the last one Taehyungah"
"I don't want it, the first one hurt a lot"
"can you please take that for me? I want you to feel healthy again" he pled.the doctor rubbed the other side and inserted the needle.
this was apparently less painful than the other one. Jimin thanked the heavens above internally.
the second injection was over soon. the doctor took out the needle, rubbed the spot and adjusted his clothes.
"I'll now write the prescription. make sure to have them on time" he said as he was discarding the used needles.
Taehyung groaned as he was getting up to sit on the bed.
"is it hurting a lot?" Taehyung hummed in response.
"we'll use a cold compress" Jimin said.
"am I being discharged tonight?" Taehyung asked the doctor.
"yes you are. you can wear your clothes. you're good to go"
"... and here is the prescription" the doctor folded it and gave it to Jimin.
"thank you"after the doctor left, jimin helped Taehyung getting dressed and they went to the nearby pharmacy to buy the medicines.
"is there any other shots?" Taehyung asked Jimin.
"don't worry, there's none" he patted
his head.
"please don't get sick ever again"