Yoonmin pt.2

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"take a sit" I said while grabbing hold of the tourniquet and a sample container.
"I swear there's nothing to worry about. I'll be as gentle as I can and I'm going to make sure to make it as painless as possible for you"

I gave him a small ball to squeeze while taking the sample.
Jimin was silent for a while.
"how are you feeling? are you okay?" I turned back to ask.
"I'll be... don't worry hyung"
"how can I not be worried for my dongsaeng hmm? I'm as worried as you are Jimin. I'm here to make you feel better, it's just me, tell me anything you worry about and I'll take care of you"

that's when the nurse came in. I called her back then in the room.
"yes doctor?"
"can you please take care of my patients while I'm here?" I asked her.
I then came back in the room again, this time tearing open a pack of syringe.
"... ah hyung?" he said in a low voice.
"yes Jimin?"
"are you going to do it yourself?"
"yes... do you want me to call the nurse so she can get the sample?" I asked while already knowing the answer.
"no no no... I'm just saying... please be gentle"
"I am, there's no need to worry"
I put the tourniquet, two containers, a syringe and the needed needle and some cotton balls dipped in alcohol in a metal tray and sat in front of him.
"are you ready?" I took his hand in mine, but he didn't say anything.
I'm amazed at the fact that he does a body checkup and has his blood taken regularly, but here he is afraid of a small needle.
"haven't you gotten used to have your blood taken?" I asked.
"no hyung, it's just... it feels like the first time whenever I have to do it"
"do you trust me?"
"yes hyung"
"I'll make it as painless as possible for you, I'm using a smaller guage. all you have to do is to take deep breaths and divert your attention to any poster in this room. try reading them as I'm taking the sample. you won't even feel it, I promise"
I sqeezes his hand for assurance.

"so are you ready now?"
"I guess hyung"
so I took the tourniquet and fastened it above the crook of his elbow, I could see him trying to focus on the posters.
I smiled to myself.
I tapped his arm to spot the proper vein, then took the alcohol swab and rubbed it on the crook of his elbow several times. I waited for it to cool down.
meanwhile I took the syringe and attached the needle, removed the cap and was ready to insert it.
he flinched.
"grab the ball and make a fist for me. you can squeeze the ball if it hurt" I told him.
I again grabbed hold of the needle while Jimin squeezed his eyes shut in anticipation of the upcoming pain. I swiftly inserted the needle into his vein. you could tell he didn't even feel it going in.
I quickly pulled the plunger of the syringe and unfastened the tourniquet.
"you can open your fist now" I said.
he didn't. he had his eyes closed and his shoulders stiffen.
"Jimin please open your fist" I repeated. he finally did.

I then removed the container and replaced it with another one as I had to draw two samples, but I didn't tell him. he doesn't need to know it.
when I was done drawing the required amount, I gently put an alcohol swab on the newly formed wound and removed the needle without him noticing. then I pressed on the crook of his elbow so blood wouldn't ooze out.
"aren't you going to open your eyes? it's already done Jimin" I said.
he slowly opened his eyes.
"did you...?"
I showed the containers in the metal tray.
"I drew two containers, for now press the swab for a minute or two while I register the sample" I got up to go.
I was already at the door frame when I heard him mutter a "thank you hyung".
I smiled to myself and went.

after registering his blood sample I came back into the room.
"are you okay?" I asked.
"I feel dizzy"
"it's okay" I gave him a chocolate to eat.
"eat it, it'll help"
after a few minutes he finally got up and we went upstairs again.
"the results will be out in few hours, I'll check it out. you can go home right now.
I'll buy your medicine and come see you to check on you when my shift is over. is it okay?"
"hmm... thank you"
"can you go home by yourself?"I asked.
"yes hyung don't worry"
"bye Jimin, please take care"
and he left.

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