Taekook pt.2

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two hours has passed.
the doctor enters the room.
"come with me" he told me.
"hello doctor" I said "what's the problem?"
"I've got the results and he has a bacterium called Salmonella typhi in his blood, which literally means he's developed a typhoid fever"
I was in shock myself. he's been having a typhoid fever for the past week.
"have you been in touch with him?" he asked.
"yes doctor"
"you have to get vaccinated for it, come with me"
what will happen to him...? I don't have an idea of what he's gone through, I hope it gets treated as soon as possible, so he will be feeling okay again. I'm worried about him... what if something happens to him...

I was drown in my thoughts when I was suddenly driven away by doctor telling me to follow him into a room.
I didn't even understand I was walking all the way downstairs.
"sit here on the examination table, I will be administrating an inactivated typhoid vaccine to you" he explained.
I just nodded. that's what I was able of doing then.
"is he okay?" I asked.
"don't worry... he will be okay. you have to minimize the exposure for a day or two, meaning you can only visit him after he's got his medicines, and just for an hour a day. he will have to stay here for at least 3 days so he will regain his lost energy"
"is the treatment painful? he's afraid of shots and..."
"we'll be taking a  good care of him, there's no need to worry about anhthing" he told me.

he then got up and took a pre-filled syringe out of the refrigerator. he put it on a metal tray and turned back to face me.
"sit straight and roll up your sleeve for me"
I hesitantly rolled up my left sleeve and sat straight.
he dipped a cotton ball in alcohol and rubbed it on my upper arm.
"it will sting a little as it has to be kept in a refrigerator and is not in your body's temperature"
injections were never a big deal for me, so I drew in a deep breath and relaxed.
I felt the needle piercing my arm, and then the sting of the medicine. I just frowned my eyebrows as the pain didn't even last for a few seconds.
the doctor removed the needle and I could already feel my arm getting sore. he then rubbed the alcohol swab again.

"can I see him?"
"if for a few minutes, yes"
"thank you"
I got down from the examination table, left the room. I headed upstairs, straight into his room.
I knocked on the door twice before entering the room.
he was sitting there on his bed. he got surprised when he saw me.
"ah hyung... they say I have developed a typhoid fever"
I got his hand in mine.
"I'm sure you can get through this... you're so strong... I'm here for you"
just then the doctor entered the room, he was carrying a metal tray with him.
he flinched but I put his head on my chest, hearing my heartbeat would make him relaxed. that's what I always do when he is stressed out.
"I'm here for the first round of treatment"
"what it is?" I asked.
"two injections of antibiotic"
Jungkook shrinked in his sit.
"shhh... it's necessary, they'll make you feel healthy again" I told him, but I was starting to worry myself.
the doctor filled the syringes with the required amount of medicine and capped the needles.
he turned back to face us, I was muttering encouraging words in Jungkook's ear, for him to know that I'll be always there for him, that he can lean on me whenever he feels down, I'll be there for him whenever he needs me.

I faced the doctor.
"these will go into his bottom" he said.
"can you lie down for me?" I asked Jungkook.
he had no energy left in his body to dispute.
so I helped him get into position. I made him lie down on his stomach, these shots will hurt but it's necessary for his health.
I again grabbed his hands in mine.

"just look at me and squeeze my hand if it hurts... I don't really mind" I told him.
the doctor pulled down his pants on one side and rubbed the swab on spot.
"just close your eyes and relax" I told him.
"I can't hyung" a tear left his eyes. it broke my heart, I had tears welling up in my eyes too... but I tried to be strong for him.
the doctor uncapped the first needle and discard a few drops of the medicine.
I looked him in the eyes and squeezed his hand. that's when I heard Jungkook whimper loudly. the doctor must have inserted the needle.
the doctor started plunging down the liquid and I could see his breath getting hitched up in his throat.
"breath Jungkook... breath with me"
I inhaled... and exhaled...
instructing him to do the same.
"ahhh... ah.... ahh...." he groaned.
"that's it... it's almost over, almost done" I told him, rubbing my thumb on top of his hand. he still had his IV on.
he didn't even have the energy to scream.
the doctor pulled out the needle, Jungkook groaned in pain again.
"one is done" the doctor mentioned.
he then lowered his pants on the other side.
he started wiggling his body in attempt to not getting another injection.
"Jungkook..." I called.
"no... I don't want another one"
"Jungkook I know it's painful... but it is necessary... you need to take this for your own health... can you please take that for me?"
he didn't stop.
"Jungkook... the doctor told me... that I can't visit on you if you hadn't taken your medicine properly" I told him.
that's when he stopped.
"can you please take that for me?" I asked again.
he slowly nodded.

I signed the doctor to continue.
the doctor rubbed the alcohol and inserted the needle. he yelped and squeezed my hand so tightly my hands hurt but I seriously didn't care.
I patted his head. he was crying in my embrace. his body has weakened the past week. I could hear his muffled crys, the shots must've been really painful.
after a few moments, the doctor removed the second needle out of his muscle. he massaged the site and adjusted his pants.
he was laid on the bed on his stomach for a few minutes, while I was talking to him to distract him from the pain.

I then helped him to sit on the bed and fed him some canned food.
he was sleepy by the way. the medicine has made him sleepy.
"do you want anything?" I asked.
he slowly opened his eyes.
"no... nothing" he said, shaking his head as "no".
"take a rest" I told him.
I grabbed his hands between mine.
"I'll be here when you get up"
I pulled the blanket till his shoulders.
he was fast asleep. I could hear him breathing.
this was truly a hard day for him. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
I turned off the lights and dozed off to sleep myself.

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