after about 20-minutes, I helped him to get up again.
"do you feel dizzy?
"does the spot feel itchy?"
I checked for any sign of skin rash and there was none.
"alright... so for tonight, you will need to take a shot of rocephin and a B12 injection so your body can fight off the infection" I said.
"can you please lie down on your stomach for me?"
I got up and tore open a pack of 3cc syringe, removed the cap, and filled it with the remaining 2 grams of rocephin liquid. I also reconstituted the liquid with a 1% lidocaine solution to numb the spot. I then attached a 21 guage 1.5" needle as it has to be administrated deep into the muscle.I made sure Jimin is not seeing any of the procedure.
then I grabbed the other pack of syringe, tore it open and broke the B12 ampoule. I drew up 30mcg of the red liquid into the syringe. without wasting any time, I attached a 22 guage needle on top as it'll provide the most comfort during the injection.I turned back to face him.
"is it going to hurt?" he asked.
"I'm not gonna lie to you, it's a strong antibiotic. it has to go deep into your muscle. I'm not going to scare you, but the medicine is thick and it burns while administrating, but I added lidocaine to the mixture. it takes about 20 seconds or so to numb the spot but it's worth it"
"...oh... how much does it take to inject?"
"I have to administrate it in 3 minutes, the body is shocked when it's administrated fast... so...all you need to do is to relax and take steady deep breaths for me. don't tense up your muscles as it hurts even more if you do""I don't think I can do it..." he said scared and embarrassed.
"I know you do not feel comfortable, but it is all for your own good. I want you to be healthy again, so can you please endure the pain for me ?... I'll try to do the shot really slowly to minimise the discomfort.
after the lidocaine kicks in, you'll just feel the pressure of something being pushed into your muscle. you just have to hang there till the lidocaine numbs the spot. you can squeeze the pillow and scream as much as you want, but please don't tense up your muscles. okay? it's highly worth the pain. you'll feel much better by tomorrow. now, just lie down on your stomach for me"he slowly lied down on his bed and grabbed his pillow, already fisting it.
I placed the b12-filled syringe on the nightstand and grabbed the rocephin one first.
"I'm going to pull down your pants a little, enough for me to inject" I said, he nodded.
so I pulled down his pants on the right side and rubbed the alcohol swab and waited for it to wear off.
"relax your muscles Jimin, you're already tense... take some deep breaths for me. I'm not going to do it now. just relax"
he took some deep breaths but it came out as shaky short ones.
"is it better now?"
he hummed.
"I'm going to do it in a few seconds, okay? a sharp sting in one... two... and three..."
I pulled the skin sideways up on his right hip and inserted the long needle deep into his muscle, he didn't much reacted. the insertion doesn't hurt itself but the medicine is really thick and it burns a lot.
"I'm going to push the medicine in, take a deep breath Jimin" I instructed.
and within a few seconds I started pushing the medicine, he ducked down his head and screamed for several times, his voice came out as muffled crys.
I seriously can't do it. I deep down know how much it hurts. I wouldn't do his shots from tomorrow. I'll tell him another nurse will come to give him his injections. I can't see him screaming in pain. a pain that I'm making him feel.
"I'm so sorry, relax... the lidocaine will kick in" I said, my own eyes starting to water. I must've muttered "I'm sorry" for countless times that night.
"is it hurting a lot?" I asked after a minute.
"it's ahh... it's better... as you said I'm just feeling a pressure" he said under his breath.
"I'm really sorry. it'll be over in a minute or so... you're doing really good, you're so brave Jiminah" I again started pushing down the plunger, injecting 0.2 of the medicine every 10 seconds, muttering many encouraging words for him.I couldn't do that if I were in his situation. I would've grabbed the needle and pulled it out myself. but here he is, taking the medicine really bravely, he didn't even tense up his muscle, I wish I would've been the sick one here, not him.
I continued pushing the medicine until the plunger hit the end, showing that I've already injected the medicine.
so I grabbed the alcohol swab, pressed it on the site, being careful of not hurting him anymore, and pulled the needle out of skin. I released his skin and pressed on the spot for it not to bleed."I'm really sorry you have to go through this, the first one is over" I kissed the back of his neck and spent the rest of 10 fine minutes massaging his hip.
"thank you for taking care of me hyung... I know you are doing all of this for my health"
"anything for you"after about a few minutes I helped him get up.
"are you sure you can have the another shot?"
"is it as bad as the last one?"
"no it's not, it is a vitamin shot, but it stings while administrating... are you sure you can take it?"
"where should I take it?" he asked.
"you can lie on your side, I'll do it as fast as I can so we'll get it over with"
so he lied down on his left side, careful of not touching the sore spot.
"please do it gently hyung"
"I will"
so for the second time that night I pulled down his pants and breif on the left side.
I rubbed the alcohol swab and waited for it to cool down.
"take a deep breath for me Jimin"
"are you ready?" I asked after a few seconds.
he hummed.
so I uncapped the needle tapped the syringe to get rid of the air bubbles.
"a sharp sting in one... two ... and three"
I grabbed the needle in 90 degrees and pierced his skin with the long 1.5" needle.
he hissed.
I slowly pushed the plunger and injected the serum into his muscle.
he fisted his hands.
"why does it stings... ahh"
"I'm sorry, it's just the substance that hurts, do you want me to pull it out? you've already have 15 mcg of it inside you"
"no...please finish it.. as fast as... you can"
"okay I will, take a deep breath for me"
I slowly pushed the plunger and injected all of the burning medicine into his muscle.
"it's done... it's done" I informed.
I took the swab and pulled the needle out in one go. I then massaged the spot for a few minutes in round motions.after grabbing all the stuff, I went out of the room to dispose of the needles and ampoules. then I washed my hands and came back to his room.
he was already sited on his bed when I got there.
"are you okay? you should lie down"
"don't worry hyung..."
"is it hurting a lot?" I asked.
"yes it was, but the pain is bearable now"
"I'm so sorry" I muttered.
he again lied down on the bed.
"do you want anything?" I asked.
"nothing hyung... I'm sorry I gave you a hard time tonight" he was talking to me, lying on the bed facing me, but he had his eyes closed.
"I'm scared of a stupid needle and was screaming all the time"
"don't say that Jiminah... you were really brave... I hope you'll be feeling much better by tomorrow"
"thank you hyung"
I sat there on the floor beside him, waiting for him to sleep. after a few minutes he was fast asleep. I grabbed my belongings, and planted a kiss on his hot burning forehead.
"please get well soon"
I turned off the lights, grabbed my keys and left.