Ocean Eyes

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Narrator's POV...
That night the school threw a festival for the entire students. Kevin made his way to his friends who were waiting for him at the entrance. "Ah! Kevin!" Chanhee extended his arm out intertwining it with Kevin's. He looked at his other arm seeing Sohee, making him a bit confused, "so kev, should we watch the music performance in front or behind?"

Chanhee looked at both sohee and Kevin with a bright smile. "Well, I'm a bit tired so I'll be going first—" Chanhee nudged him, cutting him off. "Don't you dare say you're going first" Chanhee scolded.

"Yeah, let's watch the performances first then we can leave together" Sohee suggested. "Let's go!" Sohee pulled Chanhee followed by him pulling Kevin. He couldn't help, but wonder, when did Chanhee and sohee get closer? he shrugged it off as nothing.

He stared down so blankly at the student who was performing. Poor thing, he couldn't take his mind off of Jacob, he frowned a bit, not getting acknowledged by his friends. He looked over to his left seeing Sohee and Chanhee enjoying the show. Kevin played and fidgeted with his fingers, we could've been at the movies right now.

Feeling a tear slip out his eye Kevin broke out of his silence, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to go first."
"But.." Kevin stood up, walking away from the two. Sohee and Chanhee looked at one another before looking back at their friend who was half way up the steps.

Kevin turned the corner, wiping away his tears, not paying attention of his surroundings when he bumped into Jacob. The two stared into each other's sad eyes, but Jacob knew Kevin was the main one that was pain. He adjusted his sling, strap before continuing his way, wiping his tears once again. Jacob turned watching Kevin walk away, he began to walk to him, getting ready to grab his hand.

Just a finger tip away Jacob was pulled to the side by someone. Once meeting the eyes of hongseok's, Jacob felt angry, "what the fuck do you want?" Hongseok chuckled followed by a smirked, "didn't I tell you to leave him alone? You already caused him so much pain. Wouldn't he be better with you out of his life for good?"

Jacob clutched his hand into a fist, he took a deep breath with it shaking, "well, he's the one who wants to be around me. When he and I are together he is so much more happier and comfortable. I bring out the best in Kevin and you're just doing this for competition against me. You don't actually like him, you just want him because I want him."
"If he's so happy around you and "comfortable".. why did you make him cry earlier today?" Jacob was at lost for words now, "you didn't think I noticed that?"

"Plus he doesn't even like you! I told you he would never fall for you, an asshole like you injured his arm, made him cry, hurt his feelings, got him punched by someone you knew and even kicked him to the curb like some cheap meat" Hongseok snapped back, thinking he had the upper hand. Jacob had enough, in one quick motion he swung a hard punch to his cheek.

Hongseok fell to the floor, his hand over his cheek, he scoffed before speaking, "my lawyer liked that." Jacob rubbed his fist with a smirk, "not as much as I did."

Jacob passed Hongseok, not even batting an eye at him, he saw Kevin was now further away. He picked up his pace beginning to run after him. He felt so much regret for saying what he said, for making him cry and hurting his feelings. Making his way around the corner Jacob lost all hope seeing Kevin nowhere in sight.

"No" he looked all around surrounding area, nothing. Ran to the convenience store where he likes to hang out at, nothing.


Chanhee and Sohee walked to the entrance of the school campus, "ohh thanks for coming with me, I had fun" Chanhee said embracing the other. Sohee smiled followed by a question, "I had fun too. And also.. what's wrong with kevin? Is he alright?" Chanhee sighed shrugging his shoulders.

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